Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum Jurnal Perempuan/Indonesian Feminist Journal & Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta [email protected] ![]() Background This research explains the interaction of religion and politics during the Legislative Election of April 9 and the Presidential Election of July 9, 2014 in considering the status of women and girls. Feminist approaches are often suspicious or cannot believe how the alliance of these two terms (religion and politics) can truly serve the mandate for gender justice and social justice. Currently, there are approximately 202.9 million people in Indonesia who identify as Muslim (around 88.2% from the total population of Indonesia, 237 million people). The majority are Sunni, around 1 million people are Shia, and approximately 400 thousand people are Ahmadi. Generally, there are two further categories which can be seen, modernist and traditionalist – although this is not to deny the other tendencies within the Islamic tradition. As a country with adherents of the largest religions in the world, particularly as the country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia was surprised by the April 9 Legislative Election. Firstly, the PDIP’s share of the vote decreased and the share of the vote of religious parties increased. In 2009, the total share of the vote for self-identified Islamic parties was 29%, the lowest point for them in many general elections. While the polling predictions this year suggested their vote would be 15-25%, the results in the Legislative Election proved there had been a dramatic increase to 31-32% of the total national vote – where PKS declined by only 1 percent. This confirms the rise of Islamic ideology in the Indonesian political context, and consequently its use as a political device in the Presidential Election. Almost all parties, both secular and religious, employed a religious (Islamic) visual narrative to increase their support. The April 9, 2014 Legislative Election did not indicate an increase in Islamic ideology, however, the resilience of Islamic parties under democracy demonstrates their ability to adapt in a dynamic political climate. They have been a part of the national government during Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s presidency, and they have become more and more pragmatic because they have tasted power under democracy. This is what has caused them to drop a sharia agenda. Graphic 1. Result Vote from 5 parties based on Islamic religions (PPP, PKB, PAN, PKS PBB) Source: Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014 & Other Political Parties. The status of Women in the Legislative Election and the Presidential Election Then what about rights, the roles of, participation of and status of women in the Legislative Election and the Presidential Election? Women were actively involved in the Legislative Election, although the mechanisms of the political parties mainly disappointed women, as was reported in many studies in Jurnal Perempuan 81 “Women Politicians” May 2014 (see Anita Dhewy’s research). The amount of women who serve within party structures is too small and the amount of women members in the parliament is decreasing. The 2014 Legislative Election is not a surprise for the women’s political movement as the amount of women in parliament decreased from 18% in 2009 to 17% in 2014. How about the room given for political action of women by Islamic parties? The proportion of women members of parliament (MP) from PPP came to 25.64%; PKB came to 21.28%; PAN came to 15.52%; while the smallest proportion was PKS with 2.50%. 97.50% of PKS seats were dominated by men. This result remains unsatisfactory, and the case of the status of women in PKS affirms an increase of misogyny in religious political parties. Graphic 2 Source: Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014. Graphic 3 Source: Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014. Graphic 4 Source: Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014. Graph 5 Source: Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014. What about the status of women in the non-religious parties, which are often referred to as nationalist or secular parties? The result was also not that surprising. Women MP’s from the Partai Demokrat surpassed one sixth of its MP’s, at 21.31% as seen in Graphic 6 following. They were followed by Partai Demokrasi Indonesia - Perjuangan with 19.27%, Golkar with 17.58%, Gerindra with 15.07%, Hanura with 12.50% while the lowest was Nasdem with 11.43%. Within the structure of parties and in the parliament, seats are still dominated my men. Women, sexual minorities and other vulnerable groups were almost unseen in the 2014 General Election. Graphic 6 Source: Percentage of Women in Legislation of 6 non religion-based parties viewed from amount member of parliament of each political party. Adapted from The National Commission of Election: Result of Legislative Election 2014. Rising Taboo and Failed Democracy: MMR & Child Marriage According to Council of Foreign Relations, Indonesia is among the ten countries in the world with the highest absolute number of child brides. Indonesia is the second highest in ASEAN after Cambodia. An estimated one of five girls in Indonesia is married before they reached 18. Worldwide 142 million girls will marry before adulthood within this decade alone (CFR, 2015). In Indonesia girls which are prone to child marriage are: 1. Girls from rural areas as twice as likely to marry as children as those from urban areas. 2. Child brides are most likely from poor families. 3. Married girls are generally less educated, either lack of opportunity or curtailment of their schooling by early marriage. Yet at present UNICEF reported that Indonesia jumps into global number especially in urban areas: in 2014 25% women aged 20-24 married by 18. This is a shocking reality for many Indonesian feminists and human-right advocates. According to the 1974 Marriage Law, the minimum legal age of marriage for girls is 16 with parental consent. Even recent research in marriage-contract in Puncak West Java, Arivia found that among girls are sexually enslaved forming half of the number of total sex-workers (Arivia & Gina, 2015 in Jurnal Perempuan 84). This number is certainly alarming. West Java is also known for its high number of trafficking and maternal mortality. Why West Java? West Java and West Kalimantan are the two key provinces of origin for trafficking in Indonesia while Riau Islands and Jakarta are main destinations and transit zones. Children are trafficked for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, as domestic workers, child brides, and child labourers, often sent to work in hazardous environments such as on plantations and fishing platforms, while babies are trafficked for illegal adoption and organs. Another concern includes the children of illegal migrants; one study has found that when illegal migrants bring children with them, their children are at risk of abandonment, neglect, and abuse as well as trafficking (Briant, 2005, in Silva-Leander, Annika, Report on Children and Migration for UNICEF Indonesia. UNICEF Indonesia, 2009, unpublished document). From Briant and Arivia research, it was reported that girls are the most prone victims of trafficking. Other research confirmed such findings that West Java is the provinces with the largest trafficking victims since 2013 replacing highest trafficking number in East Java (Atwar Bajari in Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.3, No.5, 2013). During this time, counties and cities in West Java became the biggest of supplier women migrant workers as well as girl-brides for child marriage. They came from several areas, such as Indramayu, Cirebon, Bandung, Sukabumi, and Cianjur. Other factors that made the situation more vulnerable for girls and women are the mortality rate of mothers giving births (ICRW, 2015). Denial of SRHR education in Indonesian curriculum has increased the number of child-marriage since sex or sexuality or reproductive health then becoming a big taboo. Educating adolescent girls and boys has been a critical factor in increasing the age of marriage in Indonesia. This could be done via CSE (Comprehensive Sexual Education) and media campaign to end child marriage. This research will further unveil the connection between politics behavior and its impacts on girls’ and women’s SRHR. Bibliography Arivia, Gadis & Abby Gina. 2015. “Budaya, Seks dan Agama: Kajian Kawin Kontrak di Cisarua & Jakarta” dalam Jurnal Perempuan 84. Candraningrum, Dewi. 2012. Negotiating Veiling: Practice of Veiling in Contemporary Indonesia. EHESS: IRASEC. Council of Foreign Relations accessed Thursday 13 August 2015: 06.00 pm. http://www.cfr.org/peace-conflict-and-human-rights/child-marriage/p32096?cid=ppc-Google-grant-infoguide_child_marriage-understanding_ad&gclid=Cj0KEQjwgI6pBRDak6aRovWNqLsBEiQA8zZSLrIr1ZGK5ZvHAS_mEqizrD8FgBwJxmFl1LMaY1KFmHQaAjEe8P8HAQ#!/ International Center for Research on Women http://www.icrw.org/child-marriage-facts-and-figures Dhewy, Anita. “Bagaimana Wajah Caleg Perempuan dalam Pemilu 2014?” dalam Perempuan Politisi, Jurnal Perempuan Vol 19 N0 2 Mei 2014. Jakarta: YJP Press. TEMPO. Pasang Gambar Gus Dur, Tim Prabowo Diminta Izin. Senin 16 Juni 2014. http://pemilu.tempo.co/read/news/2014/06/16/078585395/Pasang-Gambar-Gus-Dur-Tim-Prabowo-Diminta-Izin KPU 2014. Rekapitulasi Data Pemilu 2014: Data Caleg/Aleg Jadi dalam partai-partai Islam. Diakses 15 Juli 2014. Weber, Max. 1905. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit Capitalism (trans by Talcott Parsons in 1930). London: Unwin Hyman. Komisi Pemilihan Umum. Data Pileg dan Pilpres 2014. www.kpu.go.id diakses dari 9 April sd 22 Juli 2014. ![]() Berapa Harga Narasi Agung Negara? Sedang pada mata Paini, saya selalu gagal memulai menulis. Perkosaan yang dialaminya ketika berusia 13 tahun adalah sesederhana sebuah negara yang mencari-cari narasi agung tentang dirinya. Narasi agung tentang negara ini bukan tanpa korban, jika bukan vagina-vagina belia yang belum menstruasi bahkan, di usianya yang ke-9 tahun pada tahun 1944, Sri Sukanti diculik dan diperkosa di Gedung Pakpak Purwodadi. Saya mengunjungi mereka berdua di Salatiga bulan Maret 2013. Bersama dengan Ivan Ufuq Isfahan, anak saya. Saya menggandengnya dengan setengah berlari. Pada hari itu, secara politik, saya menarasikan diri saya sebagai seorang Ibu yang heroik. Menjinjing anak autis di sebelah kiri, dan sekarung beras di sebelah kanan. Sementara bersama feminis Jejer Wadon lain, menyopiri menanjak-menaik dari Solo menuju Salatiga. Bagaimana saya menarasikan diri saya? Seperti pori-pori yang pecah terkena sinar matahari. Apakah sebagai ibu perkasa yang menenteng anak cacatnya kemana-mana? Apakah sebagai aktivis perempuan yang tak ingin dilewati waktu dengan meninggalnya ketiga Ianfu dari Kopeng, Salatiga dan Banyubiru? Apakah seorang betina yang tak suka diatur-atur dogma kalau para budak seks Jepang itu tak pantas dikunjungi? Bahkan seorang manusia seperti saya, mencari-cari narasi dengan malu-malu untuk sampai pada sebuah deklarasi. Sementara negara, ditambah dengan deretan penguasa megalomania yang haus nama besar selalu tiba dengan mudahnya pada sebuah “narasi agung” (grand narrative). Berapa liter darah yang harus ditumpahkan? Atau berapa ratus ribu vagina anak-anak yang dirajah penis-penis dusta tentara, jika bukan untuk kebesaran sebuah Kekaisaran? Kepresidenan? Untuk sebuah narasi agung yang tanpa cacat, tanpa cela. Simone de Beauvoir acapkali menulis bagaimana bingungnya dia atas “perempuan” yang harus diidentifikasi, didefinisi, dipanggil, disebut, diceritakan, dinarasikan, dihikayatkan. Jika bukan merupakan potongan-potongan dimensi yang menyakitkan. Perempuan yang berpayudara, adalah perempuan yang agung ketika dia menyusui anak-anaknya. Narasi ASI (Air Susu Ibu) merupakan narasi agung negara yang digunakan sebagai alat kampanye besar-besaran untuk melepaskan tanggung-jawab negara atas perikehidupan bayi sampai dengan berumur dua tahun. Undang-undang sudah dilahirkan, diketok, tapi apa jamak? Kalau ruang laktasi tak kunjung ditemui di pabrik-pabrik. Dan buruh-buruh wanita dijungkalkan dari pekerjaannya jika ketahuan hamil dan memiliki anak. Perempuan itu, konon, bagi Beauvoir, sebenarnya bukan makhluk kedua, tetapi tepatnya “the lost sex”—makhluk yang hilang. Narasi agung ibu ini kemudian diceraikan dari fungsi seksualitas perempuan. Coba browse payudara wanita, maka akan tampak industri pornografi dengan tamaknya menjual foto-foto dada telanjang perempuan dengan harga yang amat fantastis. Lebih mahal dari harga seorang jenderal! Beauvoir mengumpat-umpat irisan-irisan jahat ini. Bagaimana fungsi payudara sebagai penyedia hidup dan organ seksual perempuan diceraikan begitu saja dan dijatuhkan sanksi norma dan dogma yang mengerikan (de Beauvoir, 1949). Satunya mulia dan agung. Satunya lagi bejat tak bijaksana. Narasi agung, narasi ideal, dalam perjalanan hidupnya membutuhkan lebih banyak korban untuk disembelih. Bagaimana Hitler menarasikan keagungan Jerman dengan membabat habis Yahudi. Tak hanya Yahudi, Hitler si fasis juga membunuhi para Liyan itu—LGBT, para cacat, para Roma, para kulit hitam, dan para abnormal lain. Narasi agung membajak diktum kesempurnaan manusia, dari akal sampai dengan spiritnya. Dan darinya kelompok rentan (vulnerable group) tak mendapatkan tempatnya. Eksploitasi narasi agung sebuah negara ini tak bisa dipisahkan dari persepsi dan definisi atas keagungan itu sendiri yang mensyaratkan di dalam dirinya watak-watak manusia yang ideal dan sempurna. Definisi ini nyaris dan secara serampangan menggunting sendiri kemanusiaan. Karena kemanusiaan mengandaikan ketakidealan dan ketaksempurnaan. Bagaimana mengukur hidung yang sempurna? Bagaimana mengukur derajad Tuhan yang paling berkuasa? Bagaimana menimbang supremasi jenis kelamin? Bagaimana menakar sebuah hubungan tanpa lanang dan tanpa wadon? Darinya narasi agung sebuah negara mencari-cari legitimasi parsial yang membahayakan kemanusiaannya sendiri. Humanisme mengandaikan di dalam dirinya ketakidealan manusia, ketaksempurnaan watak-wataknya, keterbatasan-keterbatasan dirinya. Perang Dunia II tak sanggup membayar seluruh kerusakan vagina anak-anak perempuan peradaban. Mimpi kanak-kanak yang benar-benar tak bisa dibayar dengan uang berlembar-lembar. Harga dari fasisme sebuah idealitas kemanusiaan merupa-wujud dalam ketamakan, keserakahan, korupsi, kepicikan, kenajisan, dan kejahatan-kejahatan yang tak termaafkan. Demi narasi agung sebuah kemenangan Raya Nippon, para tentara disugesti untuk aktif berhubungan seksual dan memperkosa, aktif menjadi predator seksual bagi anak-anak. Mereka, para tentara pangkat rendahan itu, adalah juga korban dari narasi agung sebuah negara, sebuah kekaisaran. Sedang anak-anak perempuan kita disekap di Ianjo-Ianjo yang mengubah hotel-hotel sekitar menjadi tangsi-tangsi militer untuk memperkosa anak-anak kecil itu dengan tanpa jeda, tanpa ampun, tanpa nurani. Berapa harga dari narasi agung sebuah negara? Kalau tidak dengan memperkosa anak-anak perempuan bangsa lain. Bahkan penyakit kelamin, sifilis, pada mulanya disebut sebagai “penyakit perempuan”. Dan konsekuensi moral atasnya jauh lebih besar daripada konsekuensi medis. Kehormatan bagi lelaki, dan kehinaan bagi perempuan. Kehinaan bagi “Momoye”, Mardiyen dari Yogyakarta, yang di usia ke-13, dipaksa menjadi budak seks tentara Jepang di Singkawang, Kalimantan.
Bahkan dalam wawancara Eka Hindra dengan Momoye di Yogyakarta, Mardiyem masih menyebut sifilis sebagai “penyakit perempuan”. Narasi tentang penyakit kelamin pun mengambil irisan paling diskriminatif pada perempuan.
Berapa harga narasi agung Orde Baru, kalau begitu? Dia tak ubahnya sebuah diktum yang mengkandangkan perempuan, gender Liyan itu dalam markas besar PKK dan Darma Wanita. Ibu-ibu, janda-janda, calon-calon Ibu berbondong-bondong memasuki lingkaran organisasi itu, kemudian meniadakan dirinya. Meniadakan gelar kesarjanaannya, gelar doktornya, spesifikasi ilmunya, kebisaannya, karyanya, terlebih independensinya, dan kemerdekaannya. Apakah dapat dijumpai bahwa mereka, para ibu-ibu itu, dipanggil sesuai nama lahirnya? Kalau bukan nama suaminya? Saya pastikan itu! Karena saya adalah anggota PKK. Apakah dapat dijumpai sebuah diskusi yang mengangkat bagaimana perempuan pengusaha sukses didengarkan terus usaha-usahanya? Jika bukan program pemerintah yang disorong-sorongkan dengan moncong toanya. Bahkan dengan moncong senjata. Perempuan tak bisa mengklaim namanya sendiri dalam keputren Orba tersebut. Dan dia bukanlah sejarah. Yang tinggal di masa lalu. Dia ada, dan tumbuh, hidup sampai dengan sekarang. Tempat dimana perempuan dimobilisasi dalam program-program pemerintah, yang lebih banyak tak mendengarkan keluhan, kritik dan pendapat perempuan. Lalu, pertanyaan terulang kembali, diketik dan dicopy-paste berkali-kali: berapa harga dari narasi agung sebuah negara? Ada pada ketundukan para perempuannya. Depolitisasi Rahim Negara tak sungguh-sungguh meng-ibu kepada Ibu. Ibu bagi negara hanyalah salah satu dari senjata yang dipakai secara etimologis, semantik dan pragmatik untuk memperbajui dirinya sendiri atas state grand narrative (narasi agung negara). Ini adalah kebohongan pertama-tama yang diciptakan oleh negara dengan membajak terminologi Ibu. Bahkan negara meminjam Ibu sebagai alat hegemoni yang ampuh (Suryakusuma, 2011). Negara mendefinisikan kemuliaan perempuan pada rahimnya, pada kemampuannya melahirkan, membesarkan anak-anaknya, dan mengabdi pada suaminya (definisi merujuk Kamus Dewan dan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia). “Ibuisme” negara dalam perspektif Suryakusuma merupakan Weltanschauung (pandangan dunia), yang memangkas identitas eksistensial perempuan sebagai manusia seutuhnya (Suryakusuma, 2011: 9 & 108). Darinya perempuan dibonsai, dipangkas, dikerdilkan, direduksi, pada arena domestik—sebagai istri, sebagai ibu, sebagai pendidik dan penanggung-jawab terhadap anak, dan penyokong negara. Pembonsaian perempuan-perempuan ini tidak hanya berada dalam irisan budaya, tetapi politik, sosial, ekonomi dan kenegaraan. Pandangan dunia ini kemudian bertabrakan dengan kondisi perempuan desa, yang merupakan penyusun lebih dari 80% perempuan Indonesia. Karena mereka bukan anggota keluarga yang memberikan tambahan penghasilan bagi keluarga, bahkan kebanyakan mereka adalah penyokong utama penghasilan keluarga. Tabrakan berikutnya adalah pada single-parent, perempuan yang menjanda dan menghidupi keluarga dan anak-anaknya sendiri, yang meliputi 14 persen dari seluruh keluarga di Indonesia. Memangkas perempuan untuk tidak jadi kepala rumah-tangga dan tidak jadi penyokong nafkah utama merupakan perihal yang asing dan aneh bagi kondisi riil masyarakat Indonesia. Dan memenjara Ibu hanya pada fungsi-fungsi di atas juga bersifat sangat Freudian, ekslusif, tidak egaliter, subordinatif dan represif terhadap perempuan (Chodorow, 1978). Dalam terminologi Ibu, bahkan negara menciptakan hirarki yang beririsan secara genetik, atas ibu kandung, atas ibu tiri. Dalam sejarahnya ibu tiri banyak mendapatkan fitnah sebagai ibu yang kejam, tak pengertian, jahatnya tak terpemerikan. Jika perempuan melarikan diri, atau dikuburkan secara genetik, atas kemampuan rahimnya, maka stempel buruk akan menimpa dan mengumpat-umpat hidupnya sehingga makin terpuruk. Bagaimana mendefinisikan seorang perempuan yang tak dapat melahirkan seorang anak? Apakah dia layak disebut sebagai ibu? Apakah dia layak dicap sebagai sempurna? Perempuan kopong, perempuan mandul, jauh lebih mengerikan daripada lelaki mandul. Dia tak benar-benar bisa mengklaim kebahagiaannya secara sempurna dalam kungkungan narasi agung ibu yang semena-mena dibajak negara. Perempuan sendiri juga tak bisa benar-benar bahagia tanpa sanjungan “ibu” dari sistem patriarki yang represif terhadap “kewajiban reproduktif” yang bersifat pro-creation. Rahim tak ubahnya mesin yang menelurkan kebahagiaan bagi pemiliknya, demikian mitos dilanggengkan. Tanpanya perempuan akan histeria.
Rumah sebagai tempat institusi keluarga merupakan tempat pertama yang menolak perempuan tak berahim, tak beranak. Pun jika dia beranak, tak berpendidikan bagus, maka tempat dia bekerja merupakan tempat yang pertama kali mengusirnya. Beranak atau tak beranak, perempuan tetap terusir! Perempuan adalah makhluk-makhluk pucat yang lalu-lalang berjalan dalam kebisuan. Dia mencerap luka dengan cara yang luar biasa. Dia terbiasa diusir jika tak sempurna. Dia terbiasa dicerca jika melawan. Dan dia akan terus sakit-sakitan dalam peradaban yang serba plastik. Jika benar dia hamil dan beranak, dia akan dielu-elukan keluarga, tetapi bersiap menghadapi resiko PHK dari pabrik tempat dia bekerja. Jika benar dia tak bisa hamil, dia bisa terus bekerja, dan harus selalu siap dicerca setiap hari di rumah mertua. Tak ada yang benar-benar bahagia, pada akhirnya. Semuanya dipasang dan dipasung dalam lukisan yang murung dan muram. Untuk menjadi menawan, perempuan membutuhkan kosmetik dan lipstik yang terlalu tebal. Padahal, bukankah kebahagian tidak memerlukan topeng? Sedikit pupur sekalipun? Jika benar negara bukan pembajak terminologi “ibu”, bagaimana menjelaskan banyak perempuan yang hamil dan beranak, kemudian melamar pekerjaan, dan ditolak dari tempatnya bekerja? Bagaimana negara menjelaskan devaluasi usia perempuan? Semakin tua perempuan, semakin hamil, semakin beranak, kemungkinan kesuksesan dan kekaryaan dalam karirnya terancam! Dengan cara inilah negara mendefinisikan perempuan. Dimana-mana dikepung dengan definisi yang sekedar memenuhi perut-perut gendut kapital yang rakus dan tak manusiawi. Ketika perempuan dieksploitasi sebagai buruh pabrik, maka sebaiknya perempuan tidak hamil, tidak haid, tidak melahirkan anak, dan tak perlu memelihara anak-anak. Ketika angka demografi menurun, maka sebaiknya wanita bunting, melahirkan dan menyusui anak-anaknya. Jika angka demografi meledak, maka sebaiknya aborsi bayi dilakukan besar-besaran, karenanya perempuan perlu dikebiri, disterilisasi. Jika tidak, negara tak akan mampu memberi makan bayi-bayi itu. Mo Yan, peraih hadiah Nobel sastra dari Cina, sudah menceritakannya dalam novel bio-politik Frog (2010), atas kesedihan yang besar seorang bidan, yang dipaksa mengaborsi janin setiap hari. Rasa-rasanya dia seperti dikejar-kejar kodok, yang menjadi penjelmaan ribuan orok yang dia gugurkan. Kepedihan tidak perlu didefinisikan dalam undang-undang bukan? Karena wajah-wajah muram para perempuan yang berbaris di kamar operasi sungguh tak menguntungkan bagi negara. Para perempuan ini menghisap anggaran negara. Demikian negara menominalkan perempuan. Murah! Persis seperti tempat pelacuran. Rahim perempuan dilacurkan secara semena-mena oleh negara. Bahkan perempuan sendiri mengalami kesusahan yang nian untuk mendepolitisasi rahim, kalau darinya dijanjikan swarga. Kemuliaan sebuah sebutan: ibu, ibu, ibu—pada sebuah tungkai dan tangkai kaki, dia dielu-elukan dalam puisi, syair, hikayat dan roman. Klinik-klinik kesuburan, usaha-usaha pembuahan, bayi-bayi tabung, semuanya dikerahkan untuk merapatkan barisan tentara Tuhan yang agung itu. Rahim tak benar-benar dimiliki perempuan dengan seutuhnya. Tak benar-benar dapat didefinisikan oleh perempuan dengan seluruh agensi dan representasinya. Para wanita berbaris melakukan ritual-ritual dan performativitasnya untuk mengunjungi klinik-klinik kesuburan itu, guna menumbangkan azab dan malu atas zaman, atas kopong, atas mandul. Ketakutan atas rahim yang kosong dan kopong merupakan momok zaman yang diterbitkan, dicetak-ulang, berkali-kali untuk memenuhi histeria masal atas keagungan Ibu. Sebagai sebuah definisi, Ibu, secara etimologis telah mengalami pembajakan besar-besaran. Manusia lupa atas sumber. Manusia lupa atas kecacatan. Alpa atas ketakidealan. Dan bahwasanya karya perempuan adalah anak terindah yang terlahir dari rahim-rahim peradaban. Tak hanya dimiliki makhluk berkelamin perempuan, tetapi juga laki-laki. Di beberapa desa dan sudut kota, sudah dapat dijumpai lelaki berpayudara, yang mengurusi anak-anaknya dengan baik selagi istrinya bekerja. Di beberapa dimensi karir, perempuan banyak melahirkan anak-anaknya, tanpa rahim yang subur, yaitu buku-buku yang seminal dan fenomenal. Demikian sesungguhnya pembajakan dan perlawanan perlu dilakukan, agar eksploitasi terhadap terminologi ini tak melulu didominasi negara atau aparatus kapital yang serakah dan terlalu ideal. “Menjadi Ibu atau tak menjadi Ibu” menjadi sebuah pertanyaan eksistensial untuk perempuan. Bagaimana tidak, pertanyaan itu, selama berabad-abad tak benar-benar menjadi pertanyaan paling mendasar bagi perempuan, karena perempuan, biasanya, tiba-tiba menjadi “Ibu”. Saya tak memilih ketika di usia 24 tahun melahirkan Ivan Ufuq Isfahan. Saya tiba-tiba menjadi Ibu, tanpa saya mampu menanyakan pertanyaan itu, atau pernah sekadar memikirkannya, atau terlintas dalam benak. Semua identitas lahir dengan kejadian-kejadian yang semena-mena dan serba arbitrer. Bagaimana saya tiba-tiba dinikahi, dihamili, melahirkan, menyusui, kemudian menghadiri sebuah rapat PKK, dan tiba-tiba, saya tidak dipanggil atas nama saya, tapi nama ayah dari anak saya. Itulah pertama kali, saya kehilangan diri saya. Dalam melongo, saya pulang ke rumah dengan kepala setengah koplo. Ini merupakan apa? Saya tak mendapatkan jawaban sampai sekarang, kecuali bahwa, kemudian saya membesarkan anak saya yang difabel-autis ini sendirian, dengan telunjuk salah karena menjadi janda. Diceraikan secara sepihak dengan tuduhan tak patuh pada suami. Sampai sekarang saya juga kebingungan atas derivat-derivat apakah kepatuhan istri itu berasal? Dan darimana dosa-dosa yang saya tanggung ini menjadi demikian abadi? Sementara di jalanan saya dicemooh sebagai janda, di rumah saya berjuang mati-matian membela anak cacat yang tak kunjung henti dihina-hina. Saya kira ini kecelakaan terbodoh dari sebuah peradaban yang tanpa nurani me-Liyan-kan perempuan. Lalu pertanyaan pertama tadi tetap terulang dalam tulisan ini: berapa harga dari narasi agung sebuah negara? Dipastikan harganya adalah saya. Semurah Dewi Candraningrum.
Perempuan tak sungguh-sungguh dapat mengklaim rahimnya sendiri. Alih-alih memutuskan untuk tidak menikah. Memutuskan tidak beranak. Apakah boleh? Pasti dia dicaci-caci, diolok-olok, diumpat-umpat, dicerca-cerca. Jika perempuan memutuskan untuk tak membelah, seperti halnya Ayu Utami dalam otobiografi seksualitas dan spiritualnya (Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang, 2013), karena alasan proteksi lingkungan, apakah boleh diklaim sebagai seorang Ibu? Tentu tidak. Pada pandangan pertama. Tetapi pada pandangan berikutnya, pada ledakan demografi yang mengerikan, deforestasi dan penggundulan hutan besar-besaran untuk diubah menjadi sumber pangan manusia, global warming, kelangkaan pangan, bisa jadi Ayu Utami adalah Ibu bagi semua Ibu. Yang meminjamkan kebijaksanaannya untuk melahirkan kearifan proteksi bumi supaya menjadi tempat layak bagi perikehidupan manusia yang tak lagi setulus mata hewan, tak lagi sejujur pohon-pohon. Manusia-manusia dilingkupi keserakahan mengubah hutan menjadi sumber Kapital yang tak mencukupi bagi mulut-mulut yang lapar. Menjadi ibu atau tidak menjadi ibu, pada akhirnya akan menjadi sebuah pilihan hidup yang penting untuk perempuan di masa depan, dengan tantangan perubahan iklim yang semakin mengerikan. Menjadi ibu atau tak menjadi ibu tak lagi sepadan dengan pertanyaan “to be or not to be” yang dipikirkan terlalu berlebihan, jika bumi sudah menjerit kepayahan. Dan manusia-manusia sudah tak lagi layak hidupnya karena bertikai berebut sumber daya alam. Memilih tak menjadi Ibu, pada akhirnya, nanti, akan valid dan legitim demi perlindungan lingkungan. Bagaimana manusia mengampuni dirinya, jika peradaban agungnya dengan semena-mena mengubah serigala, harimau, singa, burung-burung, orang hutan menjadi boneka plastik? Yang ternyata hanyalah tipu-tipu? Para Perempuan Pendendam Perempuan adalah para pendendam yang mengerikan. Mereka adalah kawanan yang sudah biasa tak diberi tempat untuk berbicara atau mengekpresikan akalnya secara panjang-lebar. Manusia betina ini banyak sekali menjadi penghuni ruang-ruang sunyi sebuah perhelatan dialektika. Perhatikan kelas-kelas atau forum-forum diskusi, dan perempuan adalah makhluk paling bisu, paling lirih, di antara kawanan lainnya. Hampir seluruh definisi tentang dirinya, disediakan dengan instan dan cepat oleh peradaban. Apakah engkau akan ingin menjadi altar kemuliaan, seorang ibu? Apakah engkau akan menjadi altar kehinaan, seorang pelacur? Kedua pertanyaan itu bukan seperti mata uang yang berdempetan mesra, tetapi benar-benar diceraikan. Yang pertama adalah swarga. Yang kedua adalah neraka. Padahal kasunyatan bercerita lain tentang seorang pelacur yang juga menjadi seorang Ibu, yang mengais dari vaginanya untuk menghidupi anak-anak yang ditinggalkan para ayah tersebut. Tak ada yang benar-benar hitam atau putih. Tetapi sayang, tak banyak perempuan mengetahuinya. Narasi besar tentang dirinya disediakan dan sengaja diberikan untuk memampatkan swara dan imajinasi perempuan atas dirinya sendiri. Jika perempuan tak mendapatkan definisi itu, menangislah dia. Terseok-seok sepanjang jalan mengutuk dan meratapi jalannya. Banyak anak-anak perempuan kita bertahun, bermimpi tentang sebuah pernikahan dan sebuah kelahiran. Padahal tak demikian halnya dengan anak-anak laki-laki kita—yang banyak menghabiskan mimpinya mengubah dunia. Hampir tak ada kamus perempuan dalam hidupnya, sebagai sebuah vision du monde, sebagai tujuan utama. Tentu tidak. Anak-anak gadis zaman diliputi semacam Cinderella-Complex. Yang mengelu-elukan lelaki untuk menikahinya, membuahinya, dan menjadikannya bahagia. Kebahagiaan diciptakan harus dengan kehadiran lelaki dan pernikahan. Perihal yang tidak menjadi impian anak-anak laki-laki. “Semua yang kukritik mengenai perkawinan bersumber dari satu hal. Yaitu, tidak setaranya relasi antara perempuan dan lelaki. Di luar perkawinan, perempuan mendapat tekanan sangat besar untuk menikah. Tapi, di dalam perkawinan, ia ditempatkan dalam posisi subordinat. Lelaki menjadi pemimpin”. (Utami, 2012: 231.) Perempuan-perempuan histeris dan mudah sekali marah dengan kemampatan berswara itu. Dalam psikoanalisa disebut sebagai queen-drama. Dia haruslah menjadi yang tercantik, terkurus, terpintar dari semua perempuan lain. Hanya boleh ada satu ratu. One queen! Dan drama-drama susulan bisa sangat mengerikan. Persaingan antar para selir raja, atau para istri yang dipoligami tak kalah mengerikan dari sebuah pertandingan sepak bola. Mereka bisa saling membunuh, saling menyantet, saling sumpah-serapah—dimana musuh utama, keserakahan sang patriarch, luput dari sasaran kemarahan. Demikian sejarah pernikahan menyediakan dan menampung penyakit-penyakit genetis yang diturunkan dari satu anak perempuan ke anak perempuan yang lain. Perempuan adalah Ibu tertua dari patriarki, dengan wajah paling lembut, paling beringasnya. Perempuan sangatlah pendendam. Perempuan perlu berlatih berswara, menarasikan dirinya keluar dari dendam-dendam peradaban yang menjadikan mereka boneka di dalam etalase yang diminta bersaing secara fisik. Bukan secara karya dan pengabdian. Perempuan tengil, darinya, adalah yang tak sanggup mengucapkan selamat atas karya dan prestasi perempuan lain. Dia adalah manifestasi kerak patriarki yang menekan mental dan kejiwaan. Perempuan pendendam akan terus dilahirkan sejarah. Mereka adalah korban yang tersingkir, meski tak merasa disingkirkan. Kita tentu ingat bagaimana Sundel Bolong mencabik-cabik daging, mencekik, dan membunuh para pemerkosanya. Narasi Sundel Bolong tentu bukan narasi pornografi setengah horor yang laku di pasaran. Dalam dendamnya, ada lapis pemenjaraan swara korban perkosaan. Di depan negara, dia dilecehkan. Di depan masyarakat, dia dihinakan. Di dalam keluarga, dia ditolak. Di depan para pemerkosa, dia tak ubahnya betina yang boleh dieksploitasi, dianiaya, direkayasa ulang, dibunuh, dibakar, dibuang. Para perempuan pendendam ini merupakan perwujudan dari sakitnya mental patriarch yang mereproduksi kembali naskah porno di dalam kepalanya. Dalam hidupnya, dia diobjekkan sebagai bintang porno. Dalam kematian, sebagai mayat, sebagai hantu, direproduksi kembali untuk direpresentasikan sebagai hantu seksi yang haus seks sekaligus simbol jahat mengerikan. Bagaimana harga keadilan untuk para pemerkosa? Perempuan hanya mampu menjawab: bunuh! Karena liang keadilan tak paralel dengan liang vagina yang membusuk karena masyarakat lupa memenjarakan para predator seks itu. Bahkan televisi banyak memberi makan para penguasa yang haus seks, seperti Djoko Susilo yang melebarkan modus korupsinya dengan menikahi tiga perempuan. Kekuasaan adalah seksi, maka segendut-gendutnya lelaki, apabila dia berkuasa, dia adalah seksi, pantas didekati, harus dieksploitasi (Suryakusuma, 2012). Kekuasaan dan seks, dalam buku Julia dikabarkan sebagai saudara kembar yang saling mengasihi satu sama lain. Sundel Bolong tak sendiri, dia dikerumuni para Kuntilanak wangi yang bernasib serupa. Dan eksploitasi atas korban perkosaan semakin menjadi-jadi, kalau tidak menyebut mereka sebagai Bunga, atau Siti. Padahal nama bagi korban perkosaan hanya satu: “Perih”. Ini tentu tidak perlu disampaikan, karena membuat produksi film menjadi tidak laku. Display, representasi dan citra seks dan kekuasaan disampaikan kepada pemirsa yang haus akan tontonan. Dan tontonan bisa saja mengorbankan narasi adil bagi korban perkosaan. Menulis ulang sebuah narasi film atau mendekonstruksi ulang makna seksualitas dalam film tentu tidak mudah. Tetapi sesungguhnya sesuatu yang adil, bila benar-benar diswarakan akan mendapatkan tempat dan bentuknya paling indah di mata penonton. Para penonton adalah juga manusia yang memiliki kemandirian berpikir. Memiliki kritisisme yang tak boleh diabaikan dalam proses fragmentasi ide dan penyuluhan pesan moral. Sejarah dan latar sosial para perempuan pendendam ini dapat dipelajari dengan mudah, sebenarnya, apabila ada niat politik mengubah tatanan masyarakat yang tidak seksis, tidak patriarkis dan tidak dikotomis. Bahaya dari dikotomi akut adalah pemenjaraan atas definisi maskulin dan feminin yang akut dan membahayakan peran pasca pecahnya diskusi-biner maskulin-feminin. Apa yang disediakan dalam iklan-iklan TV Indonesia adalah pemenjaraan paling ekstrem atas sifat-sifat feminin pada makhluk perempuan dan sifat maskulin pada makhluk laki-laki. Padahal potensi maskulin dan feminin tidak bersifat biner, tetapi bersifat kontinuum dan eksploratif. Seorang laki-laki seratus persen tulen bisa jadi sangat feminin dan seorang perempuan bisa jadi sangat maskulin. Dan keduanya tak perlu dipertentangkan atau diberi stempel dosa atau abnormal. Pilihan-pilihan tersebut bersifat voluntir, adventurir dan tak dapat dipaksakan. Model-model androgini merupakan salah satu tren yang menolak pemenjaraan berlebihan atas sifat-sifat biner tersebut karena manusia tidak dapat disederhanakan hanya ke dalam kedua sifat-sifat itu, apalagi membekukannya dengan semena-mena dalam stigma dan stereotype. Pada akhirnya, para perempuan pendendam mengadopsi maskulinitas paling ultim dalam bentuk pembunuhan dan penyiksaan, karena mereka adalah lawan. Perempuan pendendam adalah ledakan-ledakan yang ada dalam tubuh patriarki. Dan siapapun yang membesarkan patriarki, harus siap menghadapi ledakan-ledakan itu. Karena dia sungguh mematikan. Bagaimana Menipu Ibu? Dalam kemuliaan dan keagungan narasi Ibu dalam “Hari Ibu” yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 22 Desember tiap tahunnya, sejatinya terkandung di dalamnya bahaya laten yang mengerikan, yaitu ketika negara tak turun tangan, tak ikut serta dalam tanggung-jawab membesarkan anak-anak. Bagaimana diktum-diktum pemeliharaan anak di tangan ibu saja dapat membahayakan peran dan partisipasi ayah, partisipasi masyarakat, partisipasi negara, dalam ikut membesarkan generasi yang sehat dengan memenuhi kebutuhan generiknya. Di negara-negara maju, negara sangat berperan aktif dalam mengawasi pendidikan anak, misalnya: di negara bagian Victoria, Australia, jika anak SD tidak masuk sekolah lebih dari sehari, maka pihak berwenang, seperti walikota akan menelpon atau menyurati orang tua untuk mencari tahu alasan mengapa anak tidak masuk sekolah dan jika sakit harus segera diperiksakan. Dari sini, negara tak cuci tangan atas perannya membesarkan warga-negaranya. Negara ikut bertanggung-jawab. Demikian juga dalam cuti melahirkan. Yang mendapatkan cuti memelihara balita, tidak hanya ibu, tetapi ayah, misalnya di Swedia. Ayah mendapatkan haknya dan diberi ruang berpartisipasi dalam pengasuhan anak. Narasi ibu dijual dengan sangat mahal, dengan kebijakan, dengan disiplin kebijakan, dan aparatus negara yang ikut menegakkan kebijakan tersebut. Perempuan-perempuan tidak dilacurkan dan ditinggalkan sendirian dalam membesarkan anak. Negara ikut aktif membesarkannya. Bukan lipstik! Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Narasi Ibu dijual dengan sangat murah. Cukup diberi hari: hari Ibu dan diberi label “agung dan mulia” tanpa harus kerja-keras melahirkan kebijakan dan menegakkan kebijakan yang adil atas pengasuhan anak. Di sini, negara tak mau menjadi Ibu, tak mau meng-Ibu, dan tak mau di-Ibu-i. Oleh karena itu Orde Baru merumuskan peran kaum wanita ke dalam lima kewajiban (Pancadarma): (1) wanita sebagai istri pendamping suami, (2) wanita sebagai ibu pendidik dan pembina generasi muda, (3) wanita sebagai pengatur ekonomi rumah tangga, (4) wanita sebagai pencari nafkah tambahan, dan (5) wanita sebagai anggota masyarakat, terutama organisasi wanita, badan-badan sosial, dan sebagainya yang menyumbangkan tenaga kepada masyarakat. (Buchori, 1996; Oey-Gardiner, 1996; Rahayu dalam Prisma 1996). Kebohongan tentang surga dan kemuliaan kemudian diberi gincu agama supaya jualan tentang “Ibu” menjadi laku keras. Dan terbukti: laku keras! Karena murah meriah itu tadi. Tanpa tanggung jawab negara, tanpa kontrol negara, tanpa sumbangsih negara, tanpa modal dari negara. Yang ada hanyalah cap dan kontrol yang dilakukan lewat organisasi yang sejatinya membungkam narasi Ibu itu sendiri. Dan perempuan kerap kali dibohongi dan membohongi diri mereka sendiri. Seperti saya selalu berbohong pada diri saya sendiri: betapa menyedihkannya membesarkan seorang anak difabel sendirian tanpa bantuan dari negara! Dan saya adalah salah satu pembohong yang lihai sekali berdusta. Jika saya tinggal di Jerman, maka saya tahu pasti, bahwa negara akan ikut bertanggung-jawab dalam setiap terapi wicara anak saya, dalam bentuk insentif-insentif pemeliharaan. Persis yang saya alami ketika mengambil studi doktoral di Muenster. Negara-negara maju tak berani menjual tipuan tentang Ibu. Narasi Ibu benar-benar dikalkulasi dengan baik, diukur hak-hak dan kewajibannya, kemudian didiskusikan baik-baik dengan si pemilik rahim. Perempuan benar-benar berdaulat atas rahimnya, atas seksualitasnya, atas tubuhnya. Tak demikian dengan cerita di Cina dengan kebijakan satu anak yang dimulai pada tahun 1979. Jika sampai pada kehamilan kedua, aborsi paksa merupakan mimpi mengerikan yang meniadakan perempuan atas rahimnya sendiri. Cerita sama terjadi pula pada program-program KB paksa yang tak mengajak perempuan berdiskusi tentang tubuhnya, tentang cita-cita keluarganya, tentang tanggung-jawab negara pada pendidikan dan kesehatan anak-anaknya. Dengan terlalu banyaknya koruptor di Indonesia, budaya negara menjadi budaya tipu-tipu. Rahim tempat dia dibesarkan selama kurang lebih sembilan bulan pun dia tipu juga! Sesungguhnya dengan memuji Ibu terlalu berlebihan, para Ibu harus selalu curiga disebalik pujian itu, karena bisa jadi, negara hendak melarikan diri dari seluruh tanggung-jawab dan tugas-tugasnya atas pendidikan, kesehatan dan perikehidupan warga-negaranya. Dan pada kali kesekian, perempuan-perempuan adalah warga-negara yang sungguh mudah ditipu. Di puncak tahta negara: para penguasa adalah aktor dan aktris yang terlalu sering memakai gincu, demi menipu para Ibu. Daftar Pustaka Buchori, B. & I. Soenarto. 1996. “Mengenal Dharma Wanita” hal. 172-193 dalam Mayling Oey- Gardiner dkk. (ed.), Perempuan Indonesia: Dulu dan Kini. Jakarta: PT Gramedia. de Beauvoir, Simone. 1949. The Second Sex (trans. HM Parshley). London: Picador. Chodorow, Nancy. 1978. The reproduction of mothering: Psychoanalysis and the sociology of gender. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Iskandar, T. 1970. Kamus Dewan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kementerian Pelajaran. Hindra, Eka & Koichi Kimura. 2007. Mereka Memanggilku Momoye. Jakarta: Erlangga. Hollander, JC. Et J. Lameijn. sans annee (tanpa tahun). Bahaja jang Mengantjam pada Laki- Laki dan Perempoean. Bandung: Vorkink. Madasari, Okky. 2012. Maryam. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Oey-Gardiner, Mayling dkk. (ed.), Perempuan Indonesia: Dulu dan Kini. Jakarta: PT Gramedia. Rahayu, R.I. 1996. “Politik Gender Orde Baru: Tinjauan Organisasi Perempuan sejak 1980- an”. Prisma 15(5), Mei: hal. 29-42. Suryakusuma, Julia. 2011. State Ibuism. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu. ________________. 2012. Agama, Seks dan Kekuasaan. Jakarta: Komunitas Bambu. Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Bahasa. 1988. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi I. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka dan Depdikbud. Utami, Ayu. 2012. Cerita Cinta Enrico. Jakarta: Gramedia. __________. 2013. Pengakuan Eks Parasit Lajang. Jakarta: KP Gramedia. Yan, Mo. 2010. Frog. Beijing: Mai Tian/Tsai Fong Books. Keperempuanan Ilahiah & Jejak Islam dalam Tubuh Goethe: Kajian atas Faust dan West-Oestlichers Divan12/10/2015
Disampaikan di Goethe Universität Frankfurt pada Senin 12 Oktober 2015 jam 17-19 Dewi Candraningrum (Pemred Jurnal Perempuan & Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta) [email protected] ![]() Naerrisch, dass jeder in seinem Falle Seine besondere Meining preist! Wenn Islam Gott ergeben heisst, In Islam leben und sterben wir alle. (Auszuege, West-Oestlichers Divan) Alangkah pandir menganggap diri istimewa Mengira keyakinan sendiri benar belaka. Bila makna Islam pada Tuhan berserah diri, Maka dalam Islam semua kita hidup dan mati. (Nukilan, West-Oestlicher Divan tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono) Mukadimah Tepat pada tanggal 28 Agustus, adalah hari ulang tahun Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832). Pemikir raksasa Eropa ini dilahirkan dari keluarga terpandang di Frankfurt am Main, Jerman. Sampai umur 16 tahun, Goethe mendapatkan asupan pendidikan di dalam rumahnya. Orang tuanya adalah tokoh terpandang dan kaya hingga mampu memberikan kualitas pendidikan yang sangat bagus dibanding teman-teman sebayanya. Dia belajar berbagai bahasa, Italia, Ibrani, Inggris, Latin; disamping mendapatkan pelajaran tentang kitab Injil, demikian juga musik dan menggambar. Goethe sangat berbakat di bidang seni. Namun ayahnya menginginkannya untuk dapat menjadi pengacara dan ahli hukum seperti dirinya. Yang pada akhirnya, Goethe akan mendapatkan kedua-duanya, pengacara dan seniman-sastrawan-filsuf. Meski kemudian di akhir hayatnya, yang terakhirlah yang menjadi pilihan utamanya. Sebagai salah satu raksasa pemikir dari Jerman, Goethe sering disebut sebagai seorang polymath. Yang adalah menguasai, mengerti, menjadi ahli, berkarya akan banyak hal penting. Karya-karya Goethe melingkupi bidang berikut: puisi, drama, sastra, teologi, filsafat, dan ilmu pengetahuani/ilmu alam—seperti teori warna dan morfologi tumbuh-tumbuhan. Salah satu magnum opus yang penting adalah drama dua bagian, Faust. Sebagai salah satu penggerak penting kesastraan Jerman, Goethe bersama dengan Schiller melahirkan Klasik Weimar, sebuah gerakan kesastraan abad ke-18/19. Disamping juga terkenal pula meramaikan Sturm und Drang (Storm and Stress) bersama dengan Herder ketika dia berada di Strasbourg. Gerakan sastra yang terakhir ini menekankan pada diangkatnya sastra-sastra lokal Jerman di samping tradisi sastra besar dari Roma dan Yunani. Herder memberikan pengaruh kuat pada Goethe untuk tidak hanya membaca Homer, Shakespeare, Ossian, tetapi juga karya-karya rakyat biasa dan karya sastra Jerman baru. Sebelum menyelesaikan gelar dari fakultas hukum di Strasbourg di tahun 1771, Goethe telah terlebih dahulu belajar di Universitaet Leipzig. Namun Goethe kemudian menderita sakit berat, dan harus kembali ke Frankfurt. Di saat-saat sakit dan masa penyembuhan inilah, ibunya memperkenalkan Goethe pada mistisisme, yang menjerumuskannya kemudian dengan mengenal mistik Oriental seperti sufisme. Mengenal nampan peradaban timur, yang dirasanya kaya, tidak gersang-kering seperti barat. Wajah Hafiz, Wajah Goethe, Wajah Iqbal: Sebuah Konstelasi Perjumpaan Goethe pada Islam dimulai dengan keinginan kuatnya untuk mempelajari studi Oriental. Dia mengagumi orientalis Eropa yang telah melakukan perjalanan ke selatan, seperti Michaelis dan Niebuhr. Perjalanan mereka sangat menyenangkan untuk dibaca. Goethe bahkan juga membaca Quran tarjamah Jerman oleh J.V. Hammer pada waktu itu. Juga, membaca Quran tarjamah bahasa Inggris yang lebih prosa liris, oleh G. Sale. Goethe merasa bahwa hampir seluruh orkestra terjemahan Quran ke dalam bahasa Latin, Inggris, Jerman dan Perancis banyak mengandung kelemahan. Goethe belajar bahasa Persia, Arab, mempelajari juga Sirah Muhammad. Bahkan, Goethe juga membeli manuskrip-manuskrip asli karya Rumi, Jami, Hafiz, Saadi, Attar, Tafsir Quran, Du’as, kamus bahasa Arab-Turki, teks-teks tentang pembebasan budak, dan naskah-naskah berbahasa Arab dari Sultan Selim. Dari berbagai buku tersebut, ada satu yang memberikan pengaruh penting dalam hidup dan karya Goethe selanjutnya, yaitu tarjamah bahasa Jerman oleh Hammer (1814) dari karya Hafiz (1325/26-1389/90)—penyair Persia—yang berjudul Diwan. Sie haben dich, heiliger Hafis, Die mystische Zunge genannt, Und haben, die Wortgelehrten, Den Wert des Wort nicht erkannt. Mystisch heissest du ihnen, Weil sie Naerrisches bei dir denken Und ihren unlautern Wein In deinem Namen verschenken. Du aber bist mystisch rein Weil sie dich nicht verstehn, Der du, ohne fromm zu sein, selig bist! Das wollen sie dir nicht zugestehn. (Offenbar Géheimnis, West-Oestlicher Divan) Wahai, Hafiz nan kudus, mereka Memanggilmu sang lidah mistis, Tapi mereka, para ahli kalam, Tiada memahami nilai kata. Mereka sebut kau mistis Karena mereka sangka kau majenun, Dan anggur mereka yang tak jujur Mereka tuangkan atas namamu. Namun dalam mistik kau murni Karena mereka tak memahamimu, Meski tak shalih, engkau suci! Itu tak rela mereka akui. (Bukan Rahasia, West-Oestlicher Divan tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono, 2007) Sajak-sajak Hafiz al Shirazi, yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Hafiz di Eropa, banyak ditemukan dalam hafalan sehari-hari di hampir sebagian rumah di Iran. Penyair abad ke-14 ini membabarkan Diwan dengan pantun, perayaan cinta, kemabukan dalam anggur, ketulusan dalam agama dan kepercayaan, dan juga pertunjukkan kemunafikan para pemimpin agama dan negara. Puisinya banyak ditiru, diterjemah, dan diadaptasikan. Dalam sajak-sajaknya Hafiz banyak memadukan dua kata yang saling berbenturan satu sama lain. Hal ini, persis sama, dilakukan pula oleh Goethe, ketika dalam kemabukan Allah, dia menyebut anggur. Allah dan Anggur adalah dua hal yang sama sekali berbeda, yang satunya agung dan suci, yang berikutnya profan dan diharamkan. Tetapi Goethe mampu mengemasnya menjadi kesatuan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Jejak Hafiz pada Goethe adalah hibriditas antara yang profan dan yang kekal, demikian juga perihal lainnya, yang saling berbenturan dibuat saling menginginkan-mencinta satu sama lain. Penanda figuratif tersebut banyak digambarkan oleh Hafiz dengan metafora ”cinta manusia” dan ”stasiun spiritual”. Keduanya merupakan lawan kata, yang dapat disatukan oleh Hafiz secara gemilang. Sajak-sajak Goethe dalam West-Oestlicher Divan banyak mengungkapkan misteri kesatuan ini. Perjalanan puisi-puisi Hafiz ke Jerman mengambil tempat istirahnya tepat dalam karya koleksi puisi lirik Goethe West-Oestlicher Divan (West-Eastern Divan, kemudian disingkat WOD) yang ditulis dalam rentang waktu 1814 sampai dengan 1819. Di tahun penulisan WOD Goethe belajar pada Profesor studi Oriental, yaitu, Paulus, Lorsbach dan Kosegarten di Jena. Tulisan ini akan memberikan fokus pada WOD, sebagai kaitan antara Goethe dan Islam. WOD adalah sebuah kitab kumpulan puisi, koleksi sajak-sajak liris yang terinspirasi oleh Diwan karya Hafiz. Sajak-sajak dalam WOD merupakan simbol dari perkawinan dan cumbu-rayu antara Barat dan Timur. Kedua belas buku puisi tersebut mengandung beraneka hal, seperti parabel, alusi sejarah, dan sajak-sajak yang memotret sebuah usaha untuk membawakan barat dan timur dalam sebuah harmoni kesatuan. Diwan ini ditulis selama lima tahun, dan diterbitkan tepat di tahun 1819. WOD terdiri dari 12 buku, yaitu: Buch des Sängers (Moganni Nameh), Buch Hafis (Hafis Nameh), Buch der Liebe (Uschk Nameh), Buch der Betrachtungen (Tefkir Nameh), Buch des Unmuts (Rendsch Nameh), Buch der Sprüche (Hikmet Nameh), Buch des Timur (Timur Nameh), Buch Suleika (Suleika Nameh), Das Schenkenbuch (Saki Nameh), Buch der Parabeln (Mathal Nameh), Buch des Parsen (Parsi Nameh), Buch des Paradieses (Chuld Nameh). WOD merupakan titik kulminasi penciptaan naskah-naskah profan yang dibenturkan dengan naskah-naskah suci lainnya. Penulisnya, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, meramukan isu-isu plurivokal dan multiwarna di saat Eropa didominasi oleh naskah-naskah klasik yang bertengger laiknya menara gading di tengah-tengah kemenangan Eropa dalam menguasai dunia melalui imperialisme, kolonisasi, dan perdagangan dengan dunia timur, khususnya. WOD merupakan model bagi sintesa antara hal yang relijius dan duniawi, antara yang di barat dan di timur, yang disucikan dan yang diharamkan. Monumen teks-teksnya adalah hasil dari resepsi dan komposisi sang penulis yang dihipnotis oleh akar ketimuran yang disadarinya begitu membekas kuat dalam cawan besar peradaban barat. Kedua kata kunci, Goethe dan Islam, sebenarnya bukan wilayah spesialisasi penulis. Penulis berjumpa dengan mereka berdua, dalam proses-proses yang tidak sengaja. Seperti ziarah ke makam Goethe di Weimar, dimana dia dan Schiller secara berdampingan dimakamkan. Pula, sempat meneliti drama liris karya Goethe, Faust. Kaitan penulis dengan jejak-jejak Islam dalam Goethe, didapatkan dari proses penerjemahan Javid Nama, karya Iqbal, yangmana Goethe mendapatkan pengaruh kuat dari Hafiz, dan Iqbal mendapatkan pengaruh penting dari Goethe. Dus, hilir mudik, perjalanan berikut perjumpaan barat dan timur, tidak melulu, bahwa timur memberikan pengaruh kepada barat per se, pun barat memberikan pengaruh ke timur an sich. Tetapi keduanya telah terlibat dalam lalu lintas komunikasi yang cukup intens. Hingga kohabitasi karya-karya yang tumbuh subur di antara keduanya, seperti tak terpisahkan. Demikian pula, kaitan Islam dengan barat. Merepresentasikan narasi kompleks dari proses negoisasi makna melalui jalur bahasanya yang cukup kaya dan menggairahkan serta menumbuhkan karya-karya dalam dunia sastra. Wer sich selbst und andre kennt, Wird auch hier erkennen: Orient und Okzident Sind nicht mehr zu trennen. Sinnig zwischen beiden Welten Sich zu wiegen lass’ ich gelten; Also Zwischen Ost und Westen Sich bewegen, sei’s zum Besten! (Zum Diwan, WOD) Yang kenal diri juga sang lain Di sini pun kan menyadari: Timur dan Barat berpilin Tak terceraikan lagi. Arif berayun penuh manfaat Di antara dua dunia; Melanglang timur dan barat Mencapai hikmah mulia! (Mukadimah Diwan, WOD tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono, 2007) Karya sastra di Barat pada abad ke-18/19, yang menjadi pioner, dengan menyebut-nyebut ketiga kata kunci: Islam, Quran, Muhammad, secara penuh takjub dan cinta, tak lain salah satunya yang paling penting adalah Goethe. Goethe yang telah begitu kritis pada agamanya sendiri, Kristen, tidak mengenal Islam dengan cara yang sama, melalui doktrin-doktrinnya. Goethe bercakap-cakap dengan Islam bukan melalui jalur doktrin yang kering dan terkesan ortodoks, seperti halnya dia diperkenalkan oleh lingkungannya kepada Kristen. Melalui jalur sufisme-lah Goethe mengenal Islam. Menyebut, bahkan membacakan dengan keras, dengan penuh kekaguman atas tiga kata kunci tersebut, masih merupakan hal tabu bagi Eropa di abad tersebut. Goethe seperti melawan arus atas representasi dan narasi tiga kata kunci tersebut di Eropa yang cenderung peyoratif dan di-Liyan-kan. WOD merupakan maxim, dimana Goethe tak merahasiakan sedikit pun kekagumannya pada mereka. Gesteht’s! Die Dichter des Orients Sind groesser als wir des Okzidents. Worin wir sie aber voellig erreichen, Das ist im Hass auf unsresgleichen. … Welch eine bunte Gemeinde! An Gottes Tisch sitzen Freund’ und Feinde. … (Auszuege, WOD) Akui! Para pujangga di timur sana Lebih hebat dari kita semua di barat. Tapi kita sungguh setara mereka Dalam membenci para sejawat. … Betapa ini kaum beraneka warna beragam jenis! Di meja Tuhan karib dan musuh duduk semajelis. ... (Nukilan, WOD tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono, 2007) Adalah Katharina Mommsen, seorang Professor Emeritus di Stanford University California, lahir di Berlin pada 1925, yang telah menantang tabu mendiskusikan Islam secara terbuka di Eropa. Jika Mommsen tidak menulis bukunya, Goethe und der Islam (2001), mungkin Eropa tidak begitu terbelalak akan fakta bahwa Goethe memandang Islam dan Timur dengan cara yang amat berbeda dari aliran utama di Eropa saat itu. Mommsen membukakan tabiat Goethe yang mencintai ”Weltoffenheit”—keterbukaannya pada dunia. Wajar, bila kemudian, Goethe memperkenalkan ”Weltliteratur”—sastra dunia, dimana sastra tidak dinilaikan karena hirarkinya, tetapi karena keragamannya. Menurut Mommsen, Goethe adalah pembangun jembatan dunia, yang memperkenalkan pentingnya Islam pada dunia. Pada era Goethe, membicarakan Islam merupakan hal yang sangat kontroversial dan berani. Di tahun 1826 dalam Faust, Goethe menulis dengan lantangnya: ”Wer sich selbts und andere kennt wird auch hier erkennen: Orient und Okzident sind nicht mehr zu trennen”—He who knows himself and others will also agree: Orient and Okzident divided no more can be. Pandangan dunia Goethe dicirikan oleh penghargaannya akan Islam, apresiasi atas Keesaan dan Kebebasan. WOD mengejawantahkan kecintaannya pada Nabi Muhammad dan Islam. Goethe mencari tempat berlindung yang paling aman dalam puisi-puisi sufisme. Dia mengagumi makna keesaan Ilahi. Resonansi Tuhan yang Esa terus diulang-ulang dalam sajak-sajaknya. Goethe kanak-kanak sangat menyukai kisah-kisah Seribu Satu Malam dalam Scheherazade. Dan, terus membacanya bahkan ketika telah menjadi tua. Perlintasan yang datang dari timur, kemudian meletakkan transitnya pada tubuh karya-karya Goethe, melakukan perjalanan balik, perjalanan ulang ke timur. Perjalanan karya dari barat ke timur. Pengaruh Goethe dari barat mencapai resonansinya ke timur, British India, dimana Iqbal (9 November 1877 - 21 April 1938) mengaguminya dengan amat. Ketika menempuh pendidikan di Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen, Iqbal banyak membaca karya-karya Goethe. Hal ini dapat dilacak dalam Allama Iqbal's Note-Book, 1992, Stray Reflections, Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan (yang kemudian disingkat SR). Iqbal sering menyebut nama Goethe, sebagai raksasa yang banyak memberikan resonansi dalam karya-karyanya. ”Our soul discovers itself when we come into contact with a great mind. It is not until I had realized the infinitude of Goethe's imagination that I discovered the narrow breadth of my own”. (SR 25) “I confess I owe a great deal to Hegel, Goethe, Mirza Ghalib, Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil and Wordsworth. The first two led me into the "inside" of things; the third and fourth taught me how to remain oriental in spirit and expression after having assimilated foreign ideals of poetry, and the last saved me from atheism in my student days”. (SR 61) Menurut Iqbal, memperbandingkan karya sastra adalah hal yang menjijikkan. Dalam sejarah sastra dan pemikiran, menurutnya, lokasi perjumpaan dan pemberangkatan merupakan pusat penting dalam perbandingan karya sastra. Perjumpaan, persimpangan, dialog, kepergian, merupakan axis yang dapat digali secara lebih mendalam. Dengan memberikan fokus pada jejak sejarah dari yang ditinggalkannya tersebut. Dia lebih suka menyebut ”korespondensi” antara Goethe dan Iqbal, tinimbang ”perbandingan” karya Goethe dan Iqbal. Terma itu, korespondensi, mengijinkan sebuah perkawinan, osilasi, kohabitasi, interpenetrasi, yang menyingkapkan koneksi dan transfer hikmah. Iqbal menyebutnya ”point of contact and departure”. Dia tidak menyetujui hubungan sebab akibat, antar zaman, antar epos, yang berbeda, tetapi menyebutnya sebagai ”konstelasi”. Konstelasi enerji, ruh, jiwa, rindu-dendam, cumbu-rayu, yang menghantarkan Hafiz kepada Goethe, Goethe kepada Iqbal. Pun, Iqbal lebih memilih kata ”pengaruh”, Wirkungen. Seperti seorang murid yang dimabuk cinta oleh kata sang guru, Goethe: “Alles was eine große Wirkung getan hat, kann eigentlich nicht mehr beurteilt werden”. Konstelasi dan saling pengaruh antar ketiganya merupakan segitiga, yang ujungnya menggapai langit, dan dasarnya menjejak bumi. Kesempurnaan, bagi ketiganya, adalah Ilahi, dan hidup Ilahi adalah hidup yang mewahyukan diri, bukan untuk mencapai yang ideal, tetapi realisasi dari keabadian atas kemungkinan-kemungkinan kreatif. Dari Goethe, Iqbal mendapatkan pelajarannya tentang hakekat kemanusiaan. … Den mit Goettern Soll ich nicht messen Irgendin Mensch. Hebt er sich aufwaerts Und beruehrt Mit dem Scheitel die Sterne, Nirgends haften dann Die unsichern Sohlen, Und mit ihm spielen Wolken und Winde. … (Grenzen der Menschheit, WOD) ... Karena tiadalah patut Manusia manapun juga Sejajarkan dirinya Dengan dewa-dewa Bila ia menggapai tinggi, Ubun-ubun menyundul bintang Maka gamang telapak kakinya Tak bisa menapak di manapun jua, Ia kan jadi permainan Angin dan awan-gemawan ... (Batas-batas Manusia, WOD tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono) Mediasi atas batas-batas kemanusiaan, menjadi manusia yang matang, dinarasikan oleh Goethe kepada Iqbal dalam salah satu mágnum opusnya, Faust. Analisis struktur estetik dan hermeneutik atas drama Faust bukan sekedar penceritaan kembali mitos Doktor Faustus yang menjual jiwanya pada si setan, Mephisto, untuk mendapatkan kilau gempitanya dunia fana, yang beredar di Eropa pada Abad Pertengahan menjelang Abad Pencerahan. Karena, drama ini memiliki teknik artistiknya sendiri. Dan, mengungkap masalah kematangan jiwa manusia yang paling mendasar yang tidak banyak diperhitungkan selama ini. Di balik karya ini terdapat masalah serius untuk direnungkan, yang berhubungan dengan keberadaan manusia secara eksistensial di muka bumi ini. Iqbal menyebutnya sebagai sesuatu tentang ”diri-dalam”, inner being, yang direpresentasikan secara utuh dalam diri tokoh Faust. Tidak sedikit pembaca yang percaya begitu saja bahwa Faust karya Goethe sama saja dengan karya-karya Faust sebelumnya, bahkan, sama saja dengan mitos yang beredar pada saat itu, tanpa menyadari bahwa Goethe berusaha keras seumur hidupnya, hampir enam puluh tahun, hanya untuk menulis drama dua bagian tersebut. Dari analisis struktural Goethe menunjukkan bahwa dramanya yang tidak ditulis dengan prosa, tetapi dengan verse-puisi liris ini mempunyai maksud sendiri. Bahwa karya tersebut tidak diniatkan untuk dipentaskan, tetapi diniatkan untuk dibaca karena sulitnya dipentaskan. Atmosfer-atmosfer asing seperti neraka, surga, terbang tinggi di bulan merupakan hal yang sulit dipentaskan. Tetapi karya ini ditulis seperti sebuah pajangan lukisan dari abad Yunani Klasik sampai Abad Pertengahan. Sebuah rentang waktu yang sangat lama. Perbedaan peradaban yang menonjol. Tetapi dengan kecerdasan Goethe dia mampu memberikan lukisan indah tersebut dalam bentuk puisi. Kumpulan puisi dari jaman primitif sekalipun, dengan para penyihir di dalamnya, sampai gaya Shakespeare yang sangat dikagumi oleh Goethe, sampai seni teater modern Inggris. Tidak lupa Goethe juga menyisipkan seni komedi. Yang luar biasa di dalam karya ini adalah bahwa drama ini juga merupakan ensiklopedia pengetahuan, mulai dari kimia, biologi, fisika, teologi, pengobatan, hukum dan kenegaraan, karena kapasitas Goethe sendiri sebagai ilmuwan hebat yang telah beberapa kali menemukan hal baru di bidang biologi dan juga pernah menjadi Perdana Menteri. Keindahan drama ini dapat dibaca dari keindahan alam yang digambarkan dengan puitis oleh Goethe. Mulai dari lembah-lembah hijau, rangkaian gunung yang menjulang tinggi, pantai-pantai indah, dan istana-istana megah Abad Pertengahan dan juga Yunani Klasik. Kesemuanya dimaksudkan oleh Goethe untuk memberikan lukisan jagat raya dengan simbol-simbol dasarnya. Ditambah lagi dengan gambaran tentang Tuhan, surga, neraka, para iblis, setan, peri, dewa-dewi. Sangat lengkap. Sekali lagi itu adalah simbol makrokosmos. Simbol makrokosmos yang didalamnya ada bermilyar kehidupan mikrokosmos. Goethe hendak mengatakan maksudnya meski sangat sulit, bahwa dari setiap mikrokosmos tersebut setiap elemennya ada aspek feminin dan maskulin yang seharusnya proporsinya seimbang. Dengan kehancuran-kehancuran mikrokosmos yang dia ceritakan, sebenarnya Goethe hanya ingin menjelaskan, bahwa aspek maskulin terlalu mendominasi. Bagi Goethe, dus, kematangan jiwa manusia terletak pada hubungan yang benar dan seimbang antara aspek maskulin dan feminin. Konstelasi yang proporsional antara feminin dan maskulin. Bagi Goethe keseimbangan itu mutlak. Dari analisis hermeneutik, dapat dijelaskan bahwa tokoh-tokoh utama dalam Faust secara utuh adalah bagian dari satu jiwa manusia. Satu jiwa Faust. Miniatur kemanusiaan dipatrikan dalam tokoh Faust. Konstelasi pandangan dunia atas kemanusiaan manusia. Karakter-karakter itu mengalami polarisasi karena ada hubungan yang tidak seimbang di dalam diri mereka, antara aspek maskulin dan feminin. Sebagai pusat adalah Faust. Gretchen dan Helena adalah aspek feminin di dalam diri Faust. Sedangkan Mephisto adalah simbol Tuhan Patriarkal yang selama ini menguasai dunia (sebenarnya para manusialah yang menganggap Tuhan terlalu Maskulin), dan Homunculus adalah aspek jiwa-dalam yang hermaphrodite—aspek feminin dan maskulin menjadi satu. Faust, ditutup Goethe dengan lirik berikut:
All that shall pass away is but reflection. All insufficiency here finds perfection. All that mysticism here finds the day. Woman in all of us show us our way. (Faust, 12108-12110) Faust, Gretchen, Helena, Mephistopheles, dan Homunculus adalah satu jiwa manusia. Setiap aspek berada dalam satu jiwa yang bagi Goethe berada dalam setiap elemen alam semesta, terutama manusia. Dus, bagi Goethe, aspek feminin di dalam diri kita selain cinta kasih—menyusut, konservatif, responsif, kooperatif, intuitif, sintesis—yang akan memberikan kelahiran kembali yang sempurna bagi manusia. Di samping juga tidak menafikan aspek maskulin—mengembang, menuntut, agresif, kompetisi, rasional, dan analitis. Bahwa antara kedua elemen tersebut tidak dapat dipisahkan dan merupakan kepaduan yang alamiah. Bahwa hal tersebut adalah simbol jiwa yang matang. Yang terselamatkan. Realitas ultim dari jiwa manusia merupakan konstelasi padu antara makrokosmos dan mikrokosmos. Pula, konstelasi padu antara aspek maskulin dan feminin. Realitas ultim adalah kehidupan kreatif yang tiada henti. Menginterpretasi ego manusia bukan dengan memperbajui Tuhan dengan bayang-bayang kemanusiaan. Dengan menerima, bahwa hidup bukanlah aliran yang tak berbentuk, tetapi sebuah kesatuan, sebuah sintesa, yang saling berkonstelasi satu sama lain, dan saling mempengaruhi menuju tujuan yang konstruktif. Sungai yang hidup, dalam Javid Nama karya Iqbal di tahun 1932, merupakan referensi atas metafora mistis, korespondensi dan konstelasi. Tetapi bahwa konstelasi Hafiz-Goethe-Iqbal bukanlah ekspresi yang simetris dan permanen. Dalam banyak hal, mereka saling-berbeda, saling-berlawanan satu sama lain. Yang mengikat mereka bertiga, adalah jiwa yang satu. Islam. Keperempuanan Ilahiah Sajak-Sajak Goethe Seorang perempuan penulis, Mary Ann Evans, yang memakai nama samaran, nama pena, George Elliot pernah menilai Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), sang pencipta Faust, sebagai sastrawan terhebat dari Jerman. Goethe dinobatkan sebagai seorang yang memiliki pengetahuan ensiklopedik yang kaya wawasan. Dia tidak hanya dikenal sebagai ahli kesusasteraan, tetapi pula dikenang dalam bidang filosofi dan sains. Pengetahuan ensiklopedik ini setara dengan yang dimiliki oleh Leonardo da Vinci. Mereka adalah manusia Pencerahan, Aufklarung Mensch, yang pula dikenal sebagai Homo Universalis. Nasib Mary Ann Evans dan Goethe memang berbeda. Mary terlahir sebagai perempuan, yang pada zamannya, kurang mendapat apresiasi sebagai penulis perempuan. Cukup cerdas, pilihan mempersekutukan diri dengan nama pena George Elliot. Mary Ann Evans ingin, agar karyanya dianggap serius, dengan meminjam nama laki-laki. Ternyata, daya perempuan, pada abad ke-18 Eropa, masih tergilas roda Aufklarung yang tersohor itu. Goethe telah tiba. Seperti biasa, kali ini Pak Trum (Berthold Damshauser) mengirimkan lebih cepat dari biasanya ke Munster di tahun 2008. Seri Puisi Jerman ke 004 yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia ini merupakan sebuah dialog saling asah asih asuh, antara Barat dan Timur. Setelah Horison menerbitkan Seri Puisi Jerman 001 Rainer Maria Rilke: Padamkan Mataku (2003), 002 Bertholt Brecht: Zaman Buruk Bagi Puisi (2004), dan 003 Paul Celan: Candu dan Ingatan (2005), sampailah kekaryaan Goethe berbajukan sastra Indonesia. Piranti estetis dalam bahasa Jerman, telah didaur-ulang secara apik oleh duo kritikus sastra, Agus R. Sarjono dan Berthold Damshauser. Sebagai penikmat karya kesusasteraan, keduanya telah mencipta dan memindahkan cita rasa estetis Jerman kepada ruang baru, khasanah kesusasteraan Indonesia. Perjalanan estetis ini hanya akan mampu dilaksanakan, oleh seseorang yang telah kaya mengenyami nilai-nilai estetis universal, oleh-oleh Aufklarung Eropa yang dahsyat itu. Yang menyatukan segala beda kepada hikmah. Yang memberikan otoritas kebenaran pada pencarian eksistensi manusia paling ultim. Membebaskan manusia dari kerangkeng dogmatis tradisi agama. Sajak-sajak Goethe merupakan representasi apik dari keping Aufklarung. Yang mengembalikan pelbagai jenis ruang kebenaran kepada hikmah nurani. Ruh ilahiah sajak-sajaknya, terutama Bagian III, Merindu Mati di Kobaran Api, Diwan Barat-Timur (hal. 89-113). Dimana Goethe merindu-dendam Hafiz, sufi Persia penyihir hati itu. Goethe melabrak kotak-kotak dogma agama, dan mempersekutukannya dalam hikmah universal. Yang kenal diri juga sang lain / Di sini pun kan menyadari: / Timur dan Barat Berpilin / Tak terceraikan lagi. / Arif berayun penuh manfaat / Di antara dua dunia; / Melanglang timur dan barat / Mencapai hikmah mulia (hal. 93). Sajak itu telah meleburkan oposisi biner, Barat-Timur, Kristen-Islam, yang seringkali menguras enerji umat manusia dalam mengenal satu sama lain. Pula memperpahamkan silang sengkarut peradaban yang sedang belajar berdialog satu sama lain. Di dalamnya menyatakan Ada. Ruh yang mengajarkan saling asah-asih-asuh. Dalam menyajikan dialog antar peradaban, antara Barat dan Timur, antara Kristen dan Islam, Goethe telah menihilkan surga. Bilamana Rabiah Al Adawiyah (714-801 M), telah membawakan seember air untuk menyiram api neraka, pula seobor api untuk menyulut surga, karena ditolaknya sembahan Gusti, kerana surga dan neraka. Rabiah dinobatkan sebagai Mahkota Kaum Lelaki (Taj Al Rijal). Seorang sufi perempuan dari Basrah yang gemilang pada masanya. Faridudin Attar dalam karyanya Tazkirat Al-Auliya (Dzikr Para Wali) menuliskan Rabiah sebagai seorang perempuan yang paling utama dalam makrifat dan tak tertandingi pada zamannya. Pula, Attar sang penjual parfum, dalam Manthiq Al-Thayr (Musyawarah Burung) mempertuliskan daya Rabiah serupa seratus laki-laki, yang lenyap dalam pancaran Ilahiah. Keutamaan Rabiah, telah menolak surga, demi cinta. Keutamaan Rabiah, menjadi budak Hakikat. Ilahiah itu cinta. Dan cinta itu Ilahiah. Ilahiah yang perempuan. Das Gottlich-Weibliche (Keperempuanan Ilahiah). Intertekstualitas, hikmah universal Rabiah ini, telah pula sampai pada wadag Goethe. Ketika Goethe menolak surga dalam Ultimatum: Maka kujelaskan sekali lagi: / Alam tak berkulit, tak berbiji; / Periksa dirimu senantiasa, / Kulit atau biji kah kau adanya! // Murnikan dirimu diam-diam / Badai sekitar jangan hiraukan; / Makin kau rasa jadi manusia, / Kian serupa kau dengan dewata. // Bagiku tiada siksa yang lebih nyeri, / Selain berada di surga sendiri (hal 119). Tak segan-segan, Goethe memperbajui dirinya dengan Islam. Dengan penuh rendah hati, dalam Kitab Hikmah, Goethe berseru: Alangkah pandir menganggap diri istimewa / Mengira keyakinan sendiri benar belaka. / Bila makna Islam pada Tuhan berserah diri, / Maka dalam Islam semua kita hidup dan mati (hal. 97). Penghargaan kepada Islam ini merupakan uluran jabat tangan, jabat hati, yang kemudian dimuliakan dengan gegap gempita oleh para sufi di dunia timur. Kepada transendensi ilahiah para sufi besar Persia: Jalaluddin Rumi, Shamsuddin Muhammad Hafiz Shirazi, dan Hakim Abul Qasim Ferdowsi, Goethe menyerahkan gubahan sajak-sajaknya. Muhammad Iqbal telah menyambutnya dalam Payam-e-Mashriq (Utusan dari Timur, 1923). Resonansi Islam Islam ibarat suara yang melakukan perjalanan dari timur ke barat, kemudian dari barat ke timur, dan ke barat lagi, dan seterusnya, tiada henti. Resonansi yang abadi. Apa yang ada di Barat, telah ada dalam Islam. Apa yang ada dalam Islam, telah ada di Barat. Mereka saling meninggalkan jejak satu sama lain. Usaha-usaha kohabitasi dan interpenetrasi telah direpresentasikan melalui karya-karya Goethe. Dimana Goethe menjadi jantung, menjadi cermin, yang memantulkan cahaya Islam di Eropa dengan cara yang amat berbeda dari kolega di zamannya. Dengan caranya yang gemilang, tanpa takut, tanpa ragu, memuji bak pecinta dirindu-dendam pada kekasihnya. Jejak Islam yang tergurat jelas dalam karya-karya Hafiz, teresonansi dengan lantang dan keras dalam karya-karya Goethe, terutama WOD. Goethe tak sungkan, tak malu, menegaskan dirinya tak menolak disebut sebagai Muslim. Baginya label tidak begitu penting. Baginya, apa yang berumah dalam dirinya, apa yang tetirah-istirah di dalam dirinya, merupakan hal yang dia sebut sebagai Islam. Dalam kemabukan anggur, Goethe melihat Allah secara lebih khidmat. Ob der Koran von Ewigkeit sei? Darnach frag’ ich nicht! Ob der Koran geschaffen sei? Das weiss ich nicht! Dass er das Buch der Buecher sei, Glaub’ ich aus Mosleminen-Pflicht. Dass aber der Wein von Ewigkeit sei, Daran zweifel’ ich nicht; Oder dass er vor den Engeln geschaffen sei, Ist vielleicht auch kein Gedicht. Der Trinkende, wie es auch immer sei, Blickt Gott frischer ins Ansgesicht. (Das Schenkenbuch, WOD) Apakah Al Quran abadi? Itu tak kupertanyakan! Apakah Al Quran ciptaan? Itu tak kutahu! Bahwa ia kitab segala kitab, Sebagai Muslim wajib kupercaya. Tapi, bahwa anggur sungguh abadi, Tiada lah ku sangsi; Bahwa ia dicipta sebelum malaikat, Mungkin juga bukan cuma puisi. Sang peminum, bagaimanapun juga, Memandang wajah-Nya lebih segar belia. (Kitab Kedai Minuman, WOD tarjamah Damshäuser dan Sarjono) Referensi: Allama Iqbal's Note-Book. 1992. Stray Reflections. Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan. Candraningrum, Dewi. 2002. Aspek-Aspek Feminin dalam Faust karya Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Laporan Penelitian Univ Muhammadiyah Surakarta. __________________ (Penerjemah). 1999. Iqbal’s Javid Nama: Ziarah Abadi. Yogyakarta: Fajar Pustaka Press. Conrad, Karl Otto. 1999. Goethe: Leben und Werk. Duesseldorf und Zuerich. Courdet, Allison. 1987. “Faust,” dalam Encyclopedia of Religions, Vol. II, Chicago. Damshäuser, Berthold dan Agus R. Sarjono (Penerjemah dan Editor). 2007. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Satu dan Segalanya. Seri Puisi Jerman No 4. Jakarta: Horison. E. M. Wn. 1983. “Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,” in Macropaedia Encyclopaedia Britanica, Vol. VI. Chicago. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. 1819. West-Oestlichers Divan. http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/?id=5&xid=862&kapitel=1#gb_found 22.8.2010/9.49 _________________________. 1952. Faust Parts One and Two (trans. By George Madison Priest). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. _________________________. 1999. Faust (trans. Agam Wispi). Jakarta: Kalam & Goethe-Institut. Lukacs, Georg. 1968. Goethe and His Age, London. Mommsen, Katharina. 2001. Goethe und der Islam. Frankfurt am Main. Seiling, Max. 1988. Goethe als Esoteriker. Neuwied. Wilpert, Gero von. 1998. Goethe-Lexicon. Stuttgart. Presented at Frankfurt Book Fair, Haus am Dom, 10 October 2015, 13-15 pm Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum (Chief Editor Jurnal Perempuan & Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta) [email protected] ![]() Introduction In the Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, South Thailand, Malaysia, and Brunei headveil is known as tudung, and then as kerudung in a traditional sense. In Indonesia after the fall of Soeharto in 1998, the veil got novel term and is popularly called jilbab. In modern time, the meaning of jilbab shifted along with the development of women movements around Muslim countries (Mumtaz & Shaheed, 1987; Milani, 1992; Stern, 1939; Stowasser, 1994; Syamsiyatun, 2007; Turner, 1974; Walther, 1993; El Guindi, 1999; Abbot, 1974; Abu-Lughod, 1986, Ahmed, 1992). In Indonesia during authoritarian New Order Era, the wearing of jilbab was forbidden in the state-owned schools and universities. Short before Suharto’s fall, a number of Tarbiyah activists (New-Islamists movement) from state-owned universities insisted and protested the government that they are to be granted permission to wear jilbab in the school and universities. Among them which brought constant grass root fame is Islamist representation whether in sociopolitical or sociocultural arena. One of its defining factors are designed by ideology Al-Ziyy Al-Islami (Islamic dress) calling for decency and conformity to the ultimate Islamic mores. It is rather a pretext of ethics—spirit of Sharia as ideal Ethics—that colors the act of self veiling in Indonesia, and certainly not doctrinal segregation mounted on the founding discourses during the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258) where marriage inflicted conspicuous gender hierarchy that put vast access of divorce and polygamy as well as child custody to “men” (Walther, 1993; Stern, 1939). Self donning imbued Tarbiyah movement is partly evidence of lower and middle classes upward mobilization into upper sociopolitical and sociocultural ruling class. Its ethics impregnate self-discipline, autonomy and morality against corrupting setting. They permeate ethical and spiritual quest for a just Indonesia. Economic crisis is being viewed brought about by unjust greedy capitalism, while social and cultural crisis is being foreseen caused by immoral conduct of Godless behavior. Preceding terrain demonstrates interpenetration and cohabitation among conflicting factors surrounding the practices of self veiling, particularly under the auspices of modern secular capitalism vis-à-vis Islamic purification (Esposito, 2000; Gellner, 1994). Love and hatred configuration frequently embody Muslim women personification and cultural production deliberately as well as unconsciously. It is not merely theological pretext but yet capitalist subtext exemplifying the practice of self veiling. The banning of headveil at the Senior High School 68 Jakarta in 1989. Photo taken by Hartoyo from website of NGO Our Voice, 2010. This research examines the persistent entanglements of the global force on Islam and gender relation, with a particular focus on women's agency in the self-willed veiling tradition. Religious law, religion and the gendered body, challenges to religious authority, and the complexities of freedom and submission in religious texts will be investigated in the contexts of Indonesian women’s veiling. Case studies will draw on women veiling in the last ten years—Reformation Era. Multivocal facets of veiling will be analyzed and viewed from divergent political, socio-cultural, educational, and economical standpoints. The project will be narrated from the positioning of women’s to be interviewed by applying quota sampling in the framework of qualitative research. This study examines as well respective work of literatures related to veiling movements—Islamic popular magazine such as Annida or Sabili. The data will be reframed on the basis of authority, gender hierarchy and women’s agency in the contemporary Indonesian glocal Islam. Questions on how global media—ideas and technical proliferation—affects the negotiated local practices will be constantly investigated. The evolution landscape of Indonesian women veiling will be drawn by implementing Quota Sampling methodology in which non-probability sampling technique wherein the assembled sample—miniature—has the same proportions of individuals (that is women exercising the veil) as the entire population in Indonesia with respect to known characteristics, traits or focused phenomenon—on veiling. The present researcher will divide the Indonesian population into exclusive subgroups. As Java’s inhabitants comprised 60% of Indonesian population, 60 women-interviewee will be chosen by intersecting gender, generational gap/age, geographical location, educational background, as well as stratum of social-cultural, politic, and economy. This works as well to Sumatrans women who comprise 40 interviewees. Afterwards, the researcher will identify proportions of these subgroups in the population. These same proportions will be applied in the sampling process. Subgroups will be leveled based on previous intersection of age and generation: women of their adolescent (15-25), mid-career (26-50), and oldies (50-). Intersection of geographical location: coming from urban, sub-urban, and rural/village. Intersection of classes: low, middle, high economic income, by considering social-cultural, political background. Final intersection will pay attention on the educational background: considering three major stratums: uneducated or educated until elementary-middle-high school, undergraduate of university, and postgraduate. The last aspect will examine how their educational background influence Indonesian women are donning process. The final step ensures that the sample is representative of the entire Indonesian population with manifold aspects to be highlighted. It allows researcher to study traits and characteristics that are noted for each subgroups. Women & Girls in Pesantren Padang Panjang in 1971. Photo in courtesy of Prof Sakae Maotani. “The Personal is Political”: New Social Media & Discourse of the Private An engrossing of girls’ narratives are mostly resided in the new social media such as twitter and facebook. Riveting cry, enthralling yield, and mesmeric proclamation of identity are expressed in constant flux in those web-based social friendships. The power of girls is in their stories. These entities are not theories. They are real lives that are being shared, said Dini, a 19 years old student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. With her headveil on she displayed many of her photos with friends across Indonesia and Malaysia. Contrary to Dini, Tabitha who received a constant cyber assault from her ultra-orthodox male peers due her bared-headed, are not afraid of displaying herself in several sexy apparel and outfits in the photos section of FB and Twitter. Tabitha has to wear the head veil in her Islam-labeled university unless being ousted from the class if covering her head with none. Sexist comments and frequent Quranic Ayah depicting the torture of the hell are exported by her conservative-peers in comments box, yet she goes fearless. Yet she freed her considered tabooed-body expression with no shadow of angst. The social media brought together many of head-veiled and bare-headed girls to tell their stories of what is private and discuss how they were using social and digital media to connect with those they never meet in real world. Muslimah girl circle are unaware not acknowledged the virtual media as being invented in the “West”. It is considered and being there as if other’s Allah creature—a sudden creation without previous technological efforts. Though many progressive and rational girls are explicit in crediting social media as changing the dynamics in plural countries like Indonesia throughout the provinces. Hatred speech and dissemination of misogynist messages are prevalent and as intact as in the real discourse among ultra-conservative circle. Others believe that social media and digital media are to bring about positive changes and manifold benefits into their life. To be resided in social media sometimes pushed them to be seen naked. Voyeurism and jealousy are common discussion among them. How they envy with others’ apparel and academic achievements. How they scrutinized boyfriends getting affairs with other girls. “Voyeurism are widespread and creates addiction”, Dini and Tabitha confessed. “I could not have known about global warming without the social media. The world would not have known. The youth like me will not be able to afford the information without Google”, said Tissa Sasnida, a 20 years old Jakartan who studied at Paramadina University, who describes herself as passionate lover of water and cave. During 2011 and the uprising of flood in Jakarta, she began using Twitter extensively to provide information on the suffering of water in Ciliwung River. She said she would “spam” Twitter youths like her peers to arrive into similar level of awareness and passion in tackling global warming from inside their own behavior. “All my family whom are women and girls, are wearing head veil but me. I didn’t adopt it. My mother used to force me but I have every ways and reasoning defying her tremor”, she recounted. In a panel on Youth Defending Water, Tissa declared that “Now the girls are outspoken in social media because they are the cheapest and affordable tools. Moreover, there is no censorship either from the government or the family. They are every means to experiences liberty and freedom of speech in such way where we could not even afford or do in the real world”. “It is always difficult to talk in the family or even class. We have a clandestine discussion on the sexual and reproductive health with a much senior feminists and those having knowledge in them. Or even about boy friend. Many of us even get their boy friend via Facebook. Having boy friend from Facebook which happened to be our school mates are not dangerous anymore like being aired on television”. Girls are blessed with the social media especially in a country heavily rooted on the taboo word in discussing the body. Women bodies are site of battlefield, and girls are sometimes aware with it, by politicking behind their teachers, lecturers and parents, for having underground discussion with their peers. Social Medias are fertile lands they can occupy extensively since many parents are illiterate with high-tech virtual world. Many of whom surrounded celebrity as they were finally able to meet and find their role model in person despite the fact that it happens solely in virtual monitor. Many parents are buying their children laptop if not flat monitor computer at home. And many not surprisingly have connected to the cyber world. Parents are unaware that their girls already understood what they cannot even talk at home, say sexual intercourse: what it is; what safe sex is; what condom is; and how sexual intercourse is being performed. Tissa shared a moving story about how she met one of her favorite feminist on Twitter and learnt a lot about women body via @JurnalPerempuan (Indonesian leading Feminist Journal). The tomboy girl felt she was a hostage to immobility until she read Jurnal Perempuan via Facebook and Twitter. Inspired, she let other girls knew it and learnt how to rebel at home and schools. They learnt how to speak against street abusers and their classmates who happened harassed them sexually. “There is no law prohibiting women from defying sexual abusers whoever they are and wherever they met”, said Achi Dwi Astari, close friend of Tissa. Many girls now join her breaking the taboo in defying abusers and continue to urge the other calling themselves as cohort of young feminists and run Earth Protection Campaign. From Tissa Sasnida, a young Indonesian feminist who organized several youth circle on and offline protests over the past two years to the influential PRD activist Dhyta Caturani who posted a half-naked picture of her tattoos on her Twitter @purplerebel to boldly claim her right to freedom of expression, women have adopted and adapted new media technologies to the pursuit of personal and collective independence and freedom. They challenge in differing ways in which patriarchy oppresses every person who does not fit into normative parameters of privilege. Women wear veils, others reveal faces, some are tattooed, others are not, on and on in endless variety, new name to bespeak audaciousness. The convergences of networked media and street protests have helped women shatter cultural taboos, though many are still figuring out how to navigate the more freewheeling public sphere. Female bodies are so diversely embodied with multiple meanings and differentiations that it is harder to see the homogeneity. Feminisms put female bodies in whatever cultural, racial, class, and political practices seen as a location of power and powerlessness. Women are disproportionately the globe’s migrants, refugees & displaced persons. They suffered injustices the most profoundly. Given changes in the global economy, revisions & re-articulations of feminisms are necessitated. It cannot remain static. Feminisms must recognize entirety of complexities (class, race, practices of female bodies) while also embracing doubt. Previous discourses are heavily and solidly discussed online via social media. Several of the human rights groups, including @Indoprogress and @Salihara and @PrakarsaRakyat Initiatives, said their struggled with how to respond to freedom, largely defended women’s right to freedom of expression and said that they would defend that right regardless of the content the women chose to publish online via blog, Twitter or Facebook. Dhyta believed that brilliance is not a category of the very few, it is a term connected to anyone who can create social & economic justice for women. There was consensus on the issue of women quotas for parliamentary elections, that is 30 percent, with some arguing that elected representatives should be the best candidates regardless of gender and others asking why they should accept quotas of less than 50 percent given that women are half of the population. An intriguing debate and profound critical arguments are poured and were well documented in the social media. Nonetheless, the past year was momentous for women activists in the regions outside of Jakarta as by 2000 the Law on Autonomy had transferred Jakarta as central power being distributed to the regencies. One of the most remarkable achievements was the births of many edicts protecting women rights though many others deteriorating them. Through social media they could discuss what in the real world could not or impossible to do. Indonesian keep on flocking to the sites and young women are leading the way. The percentage of internet users who are on social networking sites continues to climb. Yet Mariana Amiruddin (Komnas Perempuan), one of prominent feminists of the 90s, said she worries about whether the gains made by women, who defied tradition to take to the street in 1998 and then continued it via social media, will continued, inasmuch as the message in social media is extremely instant and short-time lapsed. It will soon gone, the spirit. “Women’s participation was valued during the 1998 revolution, but now, as top government positions are awarded to corrupt regime, a female voice is seldom heard”, said Mariana. Political rights and civil liberties are remarkable gifts Indonesian women have always fought for decades. Indonesia was a bright spot in South East Asia region that continues to rank among the highest corrupted countries. Corruption is massive and colossal, and bitter criticisms and sinister statements are exercised openly in the social media. This is a blessed though reformists are always lamenting for doing nothing about this. It is apparent that compared to women, men are creating program and develop social media universe, say Mark Zuckerberg creating Facebook. So basically social media is none other than the product of masculine muscle in which women are setting the conversational tone in different ways. Girls are using emotional cues more intensive than men do. Heart, smiley faces, expressive language, emoticons, playfulness, and humor are feminine ecriture (being feminine handwriting). Girls rather than boys are massively employs earlier expression and psychological clues and hints. The expressive style begun by these girls are at present being embraced and practiced by much older women—warmth and friendliness of looping or cursive typefaces and emoticons is in itself should not be associated with femininity, yet prior styles are adopted widely by girls and women and men are hesitant to copy them. I might be wrong with these judgment but the findings illustrated so. University students are among the earliest adopters of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. For women and girls social media are their public diary, their very nakedness before the public gaze. For men it is more likely to be connected with footballs championship and political matters. Yet more women are now talking politics and concern to humanity, especially activists, reformists, feminists, and even those working for conservative religious alliances. Their concern for corruption is nonetheless acute. They loathed their president too much but unable to make him step down. Mariana is aware of these means, she lamented over the indifference of the users who are increasingly become spoiled too much by it. It is no longer means of revolution like the 1998s; it turns out to be a machine of indulgence and excess. It is no longer political as it was used to be—spreading the message of justice. Women’s communication and conversational style in social media, however, have naturally evolved. They remain, however, unwilling to be seen too much. Privacy and amount of friends are strictly controlled; merely those being trusted are confirmed. It is none of men mostly concerned. Language fashion will naturally grow depending on the horizon and the width & length of the cubicle they inhibit and dwell. Women compartment are diversely embodied with power and powerlessness; narratives of abuses and sexual violence which are unreal outside the cyber world are being represented in detailed portrayal. Account of unhappiness which they unable to reveal outside the monitor, are usually outburst in the social media. Pain, agony, torture are vivid and lucid in the Facebook’s and Twitter’s status. It helps to heal. Many on Twitter and Facebook expressed solidarity wishing they could help and attend in person for sort of humanitarian responses and protests but nonetheless helping to amplify the voices of the Indonesian young women cyberactivists. Their voices are as valid as those outside of the cyber world. It encompasses of similar Weltanschauung. Trajectory of the fear factor are being copiously faced by Indonesian girls in schools under the tyranny of Adat Ketimuran—now means covering the body, though historically many traditional apparels from Indonesian ethnics were suggesting more skin exposures rather than the present situation, say Balinese, Papuans, Javanese women are bare-headed and bare-armed, even bare-breasted. Girls uniform at school have been seen as terror and confusion when girl is ever disobedience to the rule, to use Indonesian term, finding her bare head or arms are called “whore!”. The video or picture of a very frightened young girl and the furious arrogant men are apparent in the social media. Solely social media such as Youtube which could provide means of dissemination in seconds click compared to conventional television or printed media. Vulgar sexual intercourse among youth are widespread in the internet. It becomes a flashpoint in what some are calling a struggle for the soul purification of the country. Thus Law against Pornography has rampantly censored artistically media production, a curb for many talented insightful Indonesian artists! Unbridled censor has reduced the level of freedom of speech and human creativity. What is it about women that men and women of deeply conservative religions find so threatening? What runs so deep that it justifies traumatizing many talented artists? Many wondered much on the human basic creativity compartment where unlimited freedom is of no bargain. It is a question that echoed by Gadis Arivia, leading feminist by the 80s. Men orthodoxy and corrupted politicians will not be getting together any time soon to swap philosophy since it is considered as haram—forbidden. Yet they might find they have a lot in common. In their subjugation and abuse of women, they are brothers united. Jilbab and the Changing Meaning of Sexuality Hijab Fashion shows and head-veiled run-away models are often held in big cities in Indonesia in the last five years. High-end fashion embedded into the discourse of the veil where battle of economic imperatives takes place. Formerly owner of Jilbab boutiques are dominated by Muslim yet at present by Tionghoa ethnicity-background who are still leading on the textile production, market owner as well as distributor. Appealing to sophisticated and discerning jilbab is created to target high-end consumers. Ample Jilbab luxurious attire are entering the high-end department store. The style is deluxe, expensive, top-quality, top-notch and has the greatest power of sophistication. So-called Islamic fashion has provided ample online reference of jilbab upscale and cheap. Large selection of jilbab with hight quality being made from the finest fabrics are available off-store and mobile online shopping. All kinds of hijab, sets of prayer shawls, hijab amira for children, caps and pins are here and there whether in the traditional and modern market. And for women clothing are long skirts, trendy flared trousers, harem pants, long tunics, dresses, sweater and under sweater. Young Muslimah who promoted and recorded the events in the social media, precisely to mention Twitter and Facebook, now find that, without a common high-end Islamic fashion, the identity is basically insecure. Muslimah absorbed the Western style and Korean style, and then bended and blended them into the cacophony of divided, hybrid and conflicting views on a piece of cloth. Sinister versus appraisal add more dynamic to the discourse of jilbab. Not to mention the “syar’i” requirement embedded in the way they construct the girlhood. Traditional disappointment to the way tight jeans are chosen are ample, a state where universities and school banned skinny-jeans. Construction of violence is real—the denial of female’s curves, its very humanness. Social media becoming a venue where they could documenting banality, vulgarity, and freedom of femaleness by expressing their sense of suffocation they could not enjoy the joy in real life. Most were 15 to 30 years old from the urban middle class family with little experience of activism, who insisted that what they did was apolitical, instead pursuing a world which seems unreal from the eyes of much older generation—their mothers and grandmothers. Repression united them: “When the school and university is in power, there are a wide horizon provided by the internet for our up-to-date high-end Jilbab”. It was not us against the law prohibiting girls wearing tight skinny attire, it is just irrational hating jeans in such a way”, says Danty Sofie Karin. They have much in common, but their character is strongly affected by their choice of style, most are Korean ones blended with jilbab. The media celebration of Indonesia’s celebration of Facebook revolution does not help Muslimah understand why the enthusiasm of high-end Islamic fashion has turned to disillusion when come to the schools and universities where rigid code of dressing is applied. They are basically in mourning of the body construction. The internet had made them aware they hated the traditional rigid regime of womanhood and publicly criticize it. Using the web allowed them to distance themselves from the curb and limitation of the regime. They were criticized and intimidated by teachers in the classes for being too sexy and too sensual. Sensuality and sexuality remain lurking and haunting the voice of women’s bodies where battles of meanings are crowded and manipulated by women themselves—those who denied their own curves, intimacy and sensuality; and those who accepted it as nature’s gift. Women hated their bodies, indeed, so to speak, and give the fate to the community and what the holy text is saying. And women who loved their bodies and decided its own fate. Just like the rain forest and the ozone layer, girls’ hair has been disappearing in almost all Islamic-based schools and universities. The young, fertile, and desiring bodies as the body grows aged are obligated to be hidden from the public gaze. Girls’ hair which was still visible in the 1980s is being cleared; anybody could see how the world has changed. Its disappearance tells this study something about womanhood, the state of love, the human and the relation of body and soul. Hair construct who the woman to be. When it is being concealed under a piece of cloth, then she gives particular meaning to the body, whether she loves her own body, celebrate it or simply reject it. She can love and celebrate the body as well as veil it. Any possible body construction is always possible. Ample ways of defining the self. The informal school law on girls uniform has morphed into removing all the hair. To be not veiled will certainly ruin your reputation. Hair is a metaphor of sin and concealment of sensuality and intimacy. Hairlessness and Jilbab marks the post-girlhood. Yet it is also marks the divide between the demonic and angelic. The bare-headed and the hair are closer to demonic selling sensuality and intimacy in a cheap way. Femininity was located in the observance of veil. Rambut (the hair) signals women’s capacity to make life, the way women knows they are no longer girls and boys. It is an evolutionary relic. It also informs female genetic qualities: whether straight or curly—a magical garden where one can live forever, sign of fertility. The image of high-end Islamic fashion with no show of women hair has increasingly shaped the sexual imagination of legions of young men. A sign of safety! Meaning girls are not engaged in extra-marital sexual relationship. New definition of erotic desirability is embedded into the veil instead. Novel meaning of sensuality is now being defined by a piece of cloth. Photo in courtesy of @ayulittleone.blogsome.com The sexual imagination are being frozen by camera, widely tagged in Facebook. It is a visual excess of jilbab with a minimum of tradition sentiment. It is not a love story, a celebration of high-end Islamic fashion and novel sensuality validated by the religion. As hair disappeared on screen, phantasm of sensuality is changing and being newly reconstructed. Girls are being asked to wear Jilbab and girls struck the specter pose. A contemporary Islamic body is not a body that loves and celebrates, a body to which love adheres to the literal script. It is a uniform for heaven fantasy. That fantasy has a history. The timing of hairlessness photos tell a shriveling tale. Reduced and shrinking narrative of sensuality which is valid and legitimate in its own way. In the 2000s the female teen Islamic body becomes an erotic fetish. Sensual pose embedded into the Jilbab. The female teen fetish wearing jilbab went mainstreaming at present. The Jilbab might not feminist but feminine instead. They could challenge male predominance though not a feminist or understanding feminism. A mingling and fusion of horizon is vivid in those leaking categories. Photo in courtesy of luluelhasbu.blogspot.com. It is what happened before this that is significant. It was the make-up and sophisticated hair-do on the head—specifically covering the hair. This recalls the pleasures of womanhood with high-end cosmetics and luxurious branded bags and shoes. Feminism did something to say: It sought to reproduce the sexual binary norm, the public, pleasure-seeking man versus the private, love-seeking woman. The paradox is that the young women is looking for spasmic flash on photos displaying sensuality and deploy in the vanguard of high-end Jilbab. Muslimah magazine such as Annida or other secular long-existed magazine have frequently displayed jilbab iconic fashion shows that signaled the erotic repertoire, a perpetual reminder that you are Muslimah, and Jilbab is your absolute definition. Not until the 2000s that the question of ‘You are Musliam woman right? Why don’t you wear Jilbab”? A question never existed before 1990s. The high-end Jilbab has also signaled new sexual readiness, not unlike lip gloss used to signal a girls' availability for kissing. Jilbab offer a pure ready sexual phantasm that is legitimate and halal to be seen. The history witnesses the showing of women legs, hair, and curves are normal. Yet history curtails and reduces those into a mere “liberal demonic appearance”. The same is now happening with the hair. Even women who are about to deliver babies still put on the head veil. "Everybody is going to be in that room," one explained, "and I don't want they see my hair." Private space is becoming public space. Because women could now forthrightly demand their freedom wearing Jilbab—if she got hers, she should be acknowledged fully as dignified and they expected their community to grant her reciprocal mutual respect. In a society that has disclosed all women hair human such as in Aceh Province, it is no wonders that the smell of a woman’ hair has also been erased as a baseline experience. Hairlessness, like wearing Jilbab, advertises that a Muslimah has been purified for male taste and religious favor. Reading a visual narration of high-end Jilbab fashion show is a dynamic observation and observance. I think the disappearance of female head hair marks both a nature disdain for womanly fertility—its complete look, its smell, its very nature, but also a women’s desire to look “religious”, the implication being that their natural bodies are “dirty” with the uncovering of the head. It is about becoming an instrument of pure religious pleasure—an active forgetting that one’s body is built to birth and to love basic part of it. There is a deep historical irony here: Muslimah women are pursuing sexual pleasures that were made possible by a feminism that also asserted the beauty of the natural feminine body. For these women, their sex is no longer dirty, but their hair and skin are. It is a discourse of gaze. When public gaze is not allowed, what can women do to celebrate the body if not the high-end make-up and fashion items. Secure website specialized on selling Eastern and Islamic fashion are mushrooming since 2005. Store reference jilbab for all season collections, the long jacket and rigor of cotton for the tropical Indonesia. Elegant and prestigious caftans and Indian women apparel are also available with the motto “Our broad to cover your body will look and style”. Muslim wear and Muslim concept is becoming more popular and get-mode Islam with t-shirt streetwear. Sensuality is parallel with any fashion industry called to be “secular”. Discount on the shelves and sales deals are with this business as well. Anyone could discover books on Islam initiation following areas: Aqidah, Fiqh, Qur'an, Hadith, Sira, Biography of the Prophet, Minhaj, Sunnah, Education for children, DVDs and multi-media Muslim women Muslim books, invocation and prayer, Islamic educational games, learning Arabic. There are also middle east style: to honor, Moroccan slipper, sometimes traditional and sometimes fashion, the slippers are becoming essential clothing for children—girls and boys who also have their jilbab, hijab, kamis and pants. Others are also available such as oriental decoration and handicrafts: range of Moroccan craftsmanship with beautiful decorations of Marrakech and Fez, such as sconces, wrought iron lanterns and luminaries. Moroccan ambience with oriental mirror, pens and bookmarks Oriental are basic ambience in the high-end corner. Despite fashion, there are also health care and natural products such as: the argan oil, prickly pear, black soap and Aleppo soap known for their virtues and skin are also available in cream. These are the products of steam without forgetting the most exquisite horsehair glove (kassa) and solutions used with anti-hair loss such as powder or henna tattoo well as the natural cosmetics kohl and non-allergenic fragrances. A complete high-end one-stop-shop to be Islamic! They also offer natural and organic products with herbal teas made from ginger or lemongrass and green tea from China. This study has been surveying Muslimah student eroticism for several years now and one thing is clear: young women who don't love and don't feel loved tend not to wear make-up. The Jilbab contributes as gateway to academic success and holy path to Allah. Even though they have to fight the uncomfortable capitulation to Islamic fashion market as a portal to fuller affection. It is a mark of female sexual availability to men on masculine terms, a regular rite of submission in the similar mode; “secular” women may show the affection. It is conditioned by the fact that just as women are achieving academic predominance and breaking into field after field as the economic order increasingly seeks the verbal, social and emotional skills they have to offer, the terms of trade are turning against them in their own expression of bodily expressions. Educated Muslim women must increasingly submit to the sexual demands of a shrinking pool of suitable men for whom the bedroom is one of the last domains outside of a football stadium where men can be men. And reciprocally for women, it is increasingly only their bodies that set them apart. Religious look is feminine. Religious is acceptable code for pretty, like the smooth cheeks on their faces. Religious body is a form of historical forgetting on the lust sensuous function of body—a corporeal denial to be precise. Novel corporeal religiosity is at work and unconsciously channeling the libido. The disappearance of women’s corporal unit says something about the way the conservative community construct humanness, how they compose their bodies and souls. The disappearing of femaleness, of skin, of hair is a hot issue in the changing meaning of sensuality and sexuality in contemporary Muslim civilization. Disharmony, dissonance, of skin exposure is here and there. Given by many Jilbab wearer who showed their neck yet cover their hair; or exposing their arms and legs but close the hair; it is always impossible to define static inches how women should cover their bodies. It is at all times diverse in expression with Jilbab permanently embedded skin deep into their daily lives. Cohort of mothers, Ibu-Ibu, usually mocking and humming like chirping birds, any women, who they consider not conforming the “syar’i” normative. In turn they Jilbaber who show a bit of their neck, arm and leg turned to the social media. Social media is also prone to peer bullying, being targeted and taunted as not Islamic with their corporeal photos. They set up imaginary character who flashes a world in which they cannot materialize in real world. Sometimes, they also expose their bare-headed photos, even photos with mini-skirt! It is telling us that a particular sensuality could not be invented in the real world. Don’t judge me wrong, even commercial sexual workers wear Jilbab—a thought that is familiar in the middle east where this cloth came from yet not for the Indonesia who still considered it as a piece of sacredness. In an unprecedented move jilbab moves a bit powerless as pressure and enforcement have made women put their own meaning to the cloth they wear. Jilbab gave up the notion after being questioned by its user, but invited everyone to gather on the discourse to debate, discuss, deconstruct the corporeal reminiscence that they able to grapple on the reach of their own horizon. Musing and fusion of horizons are received and posted in the imagery of religiosity and womenhood. Instigator of action and a turning point drove solidarity of an extraordinary sisterhood under the banner of Islam. It drove them and kept them all nights at their computers, posting images of Jilbab and their corporeal self--rejuvenating the virtual mosques. The brutal attachment of Korean style into Jilbab fashion celebrates the echoing spirit of another cultural invasion. It is being bended, twisted and adapted into the Islamic normativity. With hindsight, this was the moment when a community of women united, and then crumbled. Arrival of Korean fever was celebrated in a surge of religious unity but it also marked the return of divisions. Without their common enemy, the Korean fashionista became political rivals. Relations were undermined by suspicion, copy-paste and defamation: “How they could copy our dress in such a cheap way,” said Danti, who has a big media profile among the youth in Solo. “We are divided now. Some girls by each other, others don’t. They blame us because we used a style which cannot being verified by Islamic codes”, continued her. She is also disillusioned: “Since Korean sinetron were being bombarded by Indosir, one of major leading national TV in Indonesia, there is such a hubbub on the social media of how are being mesmerized by those styles. It is difficult to make ourselves heard for this new passion.” Girls have had a huge influx of adapting Korean-Islamic jilbab including many new followers who understand false information and being tampered with online shopping. The result is cacophony. A cacophony of enthusiasm in using social media, they can befriended and shop at the same time. Girls’ helplessness and confusion should be heeded; even though it contradicts with what the world they should live. They have legitimate voices of progressive forces that define the future of Indonesian Islam. Enthusiasm among the girls for the role of social media in Indonesia has overshadowed the experience of their apprehension of Islam-ness. On pilgrimigae to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, many Indonesian artists are not only carrying out haj rituals but also a pack of fashion-style paraded on television that is ready to be copied by their fans. The white satin beauty being shown with a Bilqis layered dress with a sequined high waist jacket is paraded on the airport approaching their departure to Mecca. Every TVs aired them! They have also unintentionally become real life models of Indonesian Islamic fashion, girls enthusiastically reported. In an interview with Jetti R. Hadi, editor in chief of NooR, a magazine specializing in Muslim fashion, explained that the allure of Indonesian created Islamic fashion have attracted many women in Middle East, especially in Mecca and Medina. They commented that Indonesian Muslimah is wearing such a sophisticated and up-to-dated Islamic fashion. “They are so attractive and pious at the same time. A price that we could not buy here since creativity is so being limited and restricted”. Things that Indonesia are now beginning to corrupt the legitimate freedom of expression and creativity by themselves. There are always a growing number of Muslim women adhering to Jilbab, observing the Islamic principles of covering the skin and hair. And the blooming of the fashion industries brings with it a vibrant economic dynamic. Indonesia is stated as the “Mecca” of Islamic fashion. With imported contemporary Islamic fashion are mostly streamed from Pasar Klewer, Solo, Central Java. Muslimah wear and accessories is becoming the 20 percent of total Indonesian fashion industry which worth approximately US$ 1.7 trillion in 2008 alone, said Jetti in NooR Magazine. Compared to the Middle Eastern who are dominated by Morocco and Turkey, Indonesian Muslimah fashion styles are dominated by the intermingling of Batik and Kain Ikat. Batik and Kain Ikat is being newly reconstructed from traditional Javanese code into Islamic fashion. Transfer of intimacy and sensuality are re-imprinted into the new Islamic code of fashion. Taboo sensual more is intact in the portrait of Batik motives. The exuberance picture of animals and flowers and other perplex traditional pakem/design. Top designs are Up2date and Bilqis that promote traditional motives under the Islamic mores. Indonesia has beautified herself as the Islamic wear fashion destination for Malaysia and Brunei. Scary image of Islam is now being downturned by such a vibrant colorful fashion wear. In the pretext of national stability on freedom of expression, Muslimah fashion show are held in an escalating numbers. Myriad of exuberant images and portrayals are displacing narrative of suicide-bombs and remorseful death of it. Islam is still at the top of selling point. The growing market and the many fashion shows that include Islamic categories have so far influenced Indonesia mainstream fashion designer who never design Muslim wear previously. Itang Yunasz, Ghea Panggabean, and Sebastian Gunawan are among the few established national designer who have produced the Muslim fashion concept. It brings lots of money, they said. From a tight Jilbab and those loose one covering the chest, vibrant diverse concepts are being created anew every year. Artists are usually the leading concepts produce who then followed, copied, re-copied by freaky fans! They could still abide the law and being fashionable at the same time. A rigorous promotion of Bandung-based Up2date and Solo-based Bilqis have an international reputation, least at the south east Asia, like Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and Thailand where Muslim resided. Bilqis is predominantly defined by elegant Batik pieces from Solo. Up2date choose a mix-match of Paris and Korea styles concepts. The communicating transfer of styles concept being exported from traditional codes to being imported from Western-Korean style is a hybrid denomination establishing Islamic fashion. A place where sensuality, intimacy, corporeality of women-ness are being transfixed and being reproduced. Of super-market, mega business, Carrefour, bank, insurance offices and other departments stores, being Muslim-friendly is cheap and good for business. In little Jakarta, a woman staff of a bank who are rejected because of her veil, who insists on wearing jilbab, tries to expose the Islamophobia of her fellow Indonesian money owner, usually Tionghoa ethnicity. A case involving BCA (Bank Central Asia) in the 1990 were notorious. But now, all banks are competing to establish Bank Syariah. They are all either tolerant or giving more spaces for expressing the Muslim wear. It is a must for all women staffs at the Bank Syariah to wear Jilbab. A force that never happens before the 1990s. This era marked the dominating discourse of establishing right wearing Jilbab which were previously being banned by Soeharto. The 2000s marked the mushrooming birth of Bank Syariah which last up to now. BNI Syariah Bank, BPD Syariah Bank, Mandiri Syariah Bank and other national banks. The corporate world is never Muslim-friendly before 2000s. Yet attitudes have changed dramatically. Some 90% of national television now ban discrimination on the basis of Jilbab, which previously banned jilbab wearer presenters, and only one TV station which does not let jilbab wearer, the famous Metro TV. Commission of Human Rights has urged any offices to accept jilbab wearer unconditionally. Progress has taken place in a wide range of textile industries which profited from jilbab wearers—women labors are required to cover their hair. Jilbab wearers who were facing difficulties in applying jobs during the Soeharto era, are now leaving a history of victory to their predecessor. Plenty of talent-driven Jilbab wearer filled the necessary jobs in banks and high echelon at the governmental ranks. Industrial giants have accepted them as well based on their professionalism. Department stores and malls are competing with each other to produce the most imaginative Muslim-friendly policies. What caused this corporate revolution? How about the film and entertainment industries? Islamic concept has usurped there as well. Artists faithful to Jilbab such as Inneke Koesherawati, Aminah Cendrawasih, Nani Wijaya, Desy Ratnasari, and an increasing number in the year to come are never stop stripping Islamic sinetron crowded the TVs. Mostly it happened because changing attitudes in society at large have reduced the cost of Muslim-friendly, and raised the rewards. A generation ago in the New Order Era, creating Muslim-friendly workplace might have upset the regime. Now it probably won’t. But failing to treat Jilbab wearer equally is very likely to drive them to seek employment elsewhere. Since they are perhaps 80% of the national talent pool, bigotry makes a firm less competitive. Nothing can never stop economic power and growth of women wearing Jilbab no matter the professions she opts. Cacophony of skin among jilbab wearers is scandalous. The more women opting for the Muslim wear, the more women leak the way they contradict and speak against the iron law of covering. More skin are shown at the offices. Exposing branded-shoes with an original women skin instead of socks is always tempting, they said, as well as official outfit following women curves. Being fair to Jilbaber is arguably simpler than being fair to terrorist, they stated (Jones, 2002). Jilbab wearers really do not differ from other women in the amount of time, on average, that they take off to raise children. And there is no obvious answer to question such as: “How much paid maternity leave should a small firm offer?” So basically women’s access and right to it is far from being certain and secure, be she jilbaber or not. Being Jilbab-friendly can attract Muslim customers, too. The 2000s had witnessed how a secular bank created a private-banking team called Syariah Bank that focused exclusively on the Muslim market, courting Muslim non-profits and providing seminars on financial planning for domestic partners. Until now Bank Syariah had brought in more than trillions US$ of business. The Islamic revolution is far from over. Nearly half of national film production is embedded with Islamic-theme such as Sang Pencerah, Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Mata Tertutup, etc, with established Director Hanung Bramantya as leader in this business. And even the most enlightened film production cannot make up for intolerance in Islam toward sexuality and intimacy in Islam-branded movies. Yet it reaches the box-offices. A genre of movie containing no sexuality or intimacy is at its top selling point. Sensuality, intimacy and sexuality is instead being wrapped gracefully with Jilbab. Indeed it works well as the market still buys it. Still, the Islam revolution in the workplace is remarkable. In most places, companies are more liberal than governments. In the coming years, the revolution is likely to gather pace. Younger businessmen those owning money are far more relaxed about Jilbab than their parents were. Indeed, many young businessmen whether Muslim or Tionghoa or Christian would feel uncomfortable working if failed to treat Jilbab wearer decently. Companies vying to recruit them will bear this in mind. They changed their mind that Jilbaber is connected to bigotry. They have been out from cubicle realizing the potentials jilbab wearers have compared to those who do not wear. And the jilbab wearers are out of the cubicle as well pursuing their career as jilbab is not identical with domesticity. A sensuous Jilbab wearer is absolutely legitimate. And it could be sold through movies for certain. Viewers love to see a constrained love with a jailed and restricted sexuality and intimacy (Epstein, 1967; Turner, 1989). Fashion designer serving the Film Industries has tried to make clothes that not only serve the function to cover the body yet having sense of art and sensitivity in it. Sensuality, intimacy, and sexuality have been converted into another form of expression. Not the showing too much of the skin, the concealment of women skin instead. It is an intricate business anyhow, to provide conservativeness and sensuality at the same time. Sometimes they have to turn to be an oxymoron: a dissonance and a contradiction of needs, roles, and responsibilities when it deals with sacredness and banality. Not a simple task, anyhow. The visualization of elasticity, suppleness, and femininity are at maxim point. Representation of sensuality is put forward on the quietness and gentleness of the artists wearing Jilbab. It is basically a hard task to juxtapose the idea of sexuality on the basis of skin exposure and women curve into the contradiction of it, total bodily concealment. Indonesia is now becoming the hub of Islamic Film production that not only sell religiosity but also sensuality which is defined by a dash of conservativeness. With the strongly buffeted personal publication of head-veiled girls onto the screen of their social media, and the changing attitude toward private life as public display instead, there is also a mounting increase of a strongly skeptical attitude toward Jilbab—formerly acknowledged as religious signature now turns to a mere meaningless piece of cloth which any woman could take on and off politically. A political iconic deed is in demand, wearing it on when entering the schools and universities and wearing it off while entering a different space. A space in-between in which they politically employed is a place where they could exercise power which they do not have in classes. It recommends strategies that included breaking the religious myth. To advocate peers to do so, they protect peers and form alignment of “click”. Click of girls in this discourse of Jilbab is strengthened with the arrival many Islamic-based militant organization that recruits students (Abuza, 2003). A vicarious yet muddy public understanding about this discourses has enliven the lurid significance of contemporary Jilbab. Militants can never allow a display of sensual Jilbab. It never comes across their mind that Jilbab wearer could show such an intimacy and sensuality. It contributes to the changing meaning of sexuality. Given the potential impact however, Jilbab attempted to confirm the accuracy of the altered and varying meanings that are documented via the websites or personal blogs. A sterile and a serious lapse of rigid orthodoxy cannot simply be solicited based on Islamic judgment and ethics. It is a torrential force that Islam shall accommodate and confirms. The girls made changes or alterations of any kind to Quranic interpretations regarding Jilbab that was imposed on them since a child, yet the practice of sensual display simply takes place and made into public. It marks the personal room of intimacy exported into public room. A public room that is all in one is transparent and visible to their parents and teacher. Their photos leave a trail on the history of women bodies. The problem for the girls is that suspicion will only grow among peers with their brevity in displaying skin. Sakinah has admitted using deception or false names to get a space where she could post their picture without the head veil. This is simply not a deception, a practice which is very well-known by the girls of how to stay “existed”. Sensual deception under the rite of head veil will not destroyed Islam’s credibility and harmed others—so to delve into girls’ perspective. Those documents have bearings of religious battle, and certainly not either a personal tragedy or shame, though it might be devastating representation for her colleagues, friends and family. Worst of all it will almost certainly produce a backlash against religious conservativeness that has advocated it at a politically sensitive moment. Until now, a woman has been required to observe Jilbab when entering the mosques and religious congregation—a moment that was rare during Soeharto era. It is the entire stranger given that particular feminists are speaking against it. "Everywhere we are asked to observe Jilbab. This is not imposed on men." Lies Marcoes Natsir, leading feminist of Indonesia based in Jakarta (Bush, 2002; Candraningrum, 2008). Still, proponents of Jilbab said they were wary that the movement rejecting Jilbab was only aimed at secularizing the nation. "We are not stupid; we know that Jilbab is now at a political top-selling level. Many politicians and civil servants are now observing Jilbab. So we will be vigilant to see that it is in fact been misused and abused for none of religious objectives. We have angst that our girls are corrupted by the West”, they warned. Their group and sister movement, such as Aisyiyah and Fatayat Nadhdlatul Ulama pledge to the televisions to reduce sensual advertising using women of veil. Existing advertisement using Jilbab is The Sari Wangi by Inneke Koesherawaty and Hair Shampoo product—which strangely did not show women hair. Television has sought to reduce the use of sensual Jilbab on ads in recent years, but to little avail. Kelompok Pengajian Ibu-Ibu (Religious Congregation by Mothers) notes the persistence of terms referring to Jilbab, without justification or need, to women's pious situation. It asks parents and school administrations to eliminate as much as possible such images. Young women shout loud protest in the Facebook to mark her liberty from the parents’ and school’s curb. It is once again at battle over the meaning of a piece of cloth, between the older generation and the young one. The faith, family and fundamental rights of girls are basically being contested as well. Over the past few decades, as most of the Moms and Daughters have embraced Jilbab, the majority-Muslim Family has waged war against pornography and free-sex. There, abortion is strictly prohibited and crackdown on dating are common—media and polices are adversely catching illicit lovers staying in motels or hotels, actions that did not touch any contemporary Western countries (Lewis, 2002). Abandonment of contraception and condoms are becoming widespread among militant religious groups, such as LDII (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia). Mosque officials promote what they call “natural” family planning: women are advised to track their cycle and abstain from sex on all but their least fertile days. They cast artificial contraception as an affront to God’s will, a gateway to abortion and a threat to public health. In their minds, condoms are “abortifacients” and family-planning campaigners are propagandists of a culture death”. This type of thinking has led several Ulama and Ustadz to try to curb the use of modern contraception. It gives rise in maternal mortality, a slew of unwanted pregnancies and evidence of injury caused by clandestine abortions. The mosques’ campaign against modern contraception has led to an epidemic of unsafe abortions in the religious circle as well as over population; many PKS politicians have a group of minimally 7 children in a family like Yoyoh Kusroh (Ramage, 1996). It is obvious for the public and placid-docile for the women that a restrictive approach to reproductive rights can and has hurt women. Behind the Manichaean religious rhetoric espoused by some conservative Muslims hides plain truths about public health: access to contraception decreases maternal mortality and lowers the number of abortions. Program on birth control is becoming a vicious battle field—that was never happened during the Soeharto era (Mujani, 2003). A comprehensive study of World Health Organization confirmed that abortion rates in countries that prohibit or restrict legal abortion are no different than abortion rates in countries with liberal abortion laws; the only reliable way to reduce abortion is through the provision of affordable, accessible contraception. To cap off Muslims’ debate on contraception there has been a surge in births outside marriage, the fastest growth being among poor girls in their 18s with some high-school education. More than quarter of births to women under 30 now occur outside of marriage. Is this really a time to try to limit contraception? What about the reckoning of the reality of human lives? And there it is: reckoning with the reality of human lives, and saving them too. Even Jilbab is powerless before the raising death of mothers giving birth and the numbers of girls being sold in prostitutions. Girls wearing Jilbab sold as prostitute! 100,000 children—predominantly girls; and women are trafficked in Indonesia per year (UNICEF, 2012). The United Nations defines child trafficking as the recruitment, transportation or receipt of children with the purpose of exploiting them. Poverty, lack of economic opportunities, poor level of social status, high demand of cheap labors and commercial sex, weak law enforcement, conflict and discrimination are prime trigger to child trafficking. Girl is sold of Rp.100,000.00 into servitude in private homes, street beggars, and factory labors, as much as prostitution. Besides drug and gun trades, trading the girls are lucrative business in many tourism hub such as Bali, Batam, and Jakarta. Girls from rural poor areas are sold in those places and other big cities in Indonesia such as Surabaya, Medan, Makassar and Semarang. Child prostitution is a clandestine if not translucent business in Bali, where many tourists secretly consumed this forbidden sex in their home-countries. There is always a underlined highlighted statement among Indonesian traditional conservatives Mothers of “the dangers of being female”—reason why girls are kept, guarded, and limited despite enjoying formal education. Girls hang-out at night are still a taboo words among Indonesian families. There is always news on the objectification of women. The last decade was big on bad news for women. First, a family in Jakarta was convicted for killing four female relatives, then a woman was allegedly strangled by her husband in Kediri, and then a high-profile charity decides to withdraw funds to screen women for cervix cancer. There are two things that struck this study as noticeable about these events and their news coverage. The first is that in all of these cases, different as they may be, women are being punished for being women. The Jakarta killings were allegedly motivated by the girls' dating and wearing girly clothes. The woman in Kediri was supposedly killed because she had slept with her neighbors and apparently having affairs with him. And it is hard to think of a gesture that more clearly targets women for just being women than defunding screenings for cervix cancer. The second thing that is noticeable about coverage of these recent events is that many people have expressed their outrage over them, making this study feel tentatively optimistic about the future for women's rights. With that in mind, people will start caring and expressing outrage about these three very common ways in which women are being punished for being female. It justifies assumptions about female weakness that at the end should be saved by her Guardian. Despite the fact that many women are the sole or main providers for their families, and despite women's advances as middle managers, women continue to be underrepresented in top leadership roles. A repeatedly points to assumptions about women's "nature" as key barriers to promotion has worsen the myth that women are not thought to be as assertive as men, and are seen to lack vision and strength. It is telling that many job adverts suggest that qualified women are encouraged to apply. Men, this seems to imply, are qualified just by being male. What makes situation worsens are the punitive laws related to women’s sexuality. Sexuality is succumbed to satanic and demonic allure that should be concealed, obscured and curbed. Societies have viewed and regulated women's sexuality differently than men's for as long back as we can dig up evidence about. Semitic religions, whether Christianity or Islam, expect women to be chaste and demure; and punished or ridiculed those who were not (Hitti, 1940; Epstein, 1967; Brenner, 1996; Hasyim, 2006). Today, laws to punish women for having sex with the wrong persons at the wrong time for the wrong reasons persist in almost all countries in the world, ranging from the criminalization of female adultery and of abortion over laws that punish drug use during pregnancy to social services provisions that punish poor unmarried women with more than one child. At the basis of all of these laws is one main thought: Women should not really want to have sex. As long as women are undervalued, expected to bear the entire price of reproduction, and at the same time required to be outwardly asexual, the world will see more women and girls killed, maimed and their health needs discarded. Feminists have continued to muster outrage and actually generate change. It is always a long stony tricky and deathly road to cross. And Indonesia was one of the most anticipated destinations for the objectification of asexual women because it is still rife with child trafficking issues. Heavy tourism regions such as Bali, Batam, and Jakarta are among the areas most vulnerable to child exploitation. Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Bali are included in the heavily import of trafficked girls from poor rural areas of Java. There is still always a tremendous drive, energy, self-assurance and a genuinely big heart being combated by many organizations to help these girls. Child trafficking is one of humanity’s most terrible crimes and Islam probably is still in its deep slumber. The discourse of Jilbab and the changing meaning of sensuality, intimacy, and sexuality have put a milestone to the history of Islamic civilization in Indonesia. Conclusion Women’s bodies have been reproduced as source of leisure, pleasure as well as disgust. Women’s fats in art and popular culture have been seen as monstrous and defiled and disgusting. Vulnerable to stigma is closely related to femaleness, either thin or fat, both are disadvantageous. This framing has led to the stigmatization of aspects of women’s bodies: lines in the skin that indicate aging, lumps of fat, fairness of skin, and shape of nose. Those are considered as threatening for women themselves which then being reproduced, and forcibly stigmatized in later phases. Ways of resisting, reframing, and coping the stigmas are rarely discussed. Debunking stigma and demystifying physical beauty are ways to be honest to femaleness. Air-brushed femaleness onto the bill-board—mostly cosmetic and fashion products—is being debunked to satisfy lurid and vivid honesty of being female. This study rejects the way women stigmatized other women using the weapon of body proportion. It is massive and ubiquitous in the public. The stigma attached to lust and sexuality by the dogmas has created suffering indeed. The pervasiveness of morality views toward lust and sexuality are undeniable in mainstream Indonesian Muslim society, situated both institutionally and interpersonally. The youth perceives it as torture. It creates angst. Previous angst has amplified the personal experience of stigma, and that is why the youth should ameliorate their expression of lust: either hetero or homo relationship shall remodel its sensitivity and interactions under public gaze. The cultural bubble simply could not let they go. While much of the discussion surrounding body image and appearance revolved around the current orthodoxy, this study wants to take a moment to reflect on how this double-standard often creates certain stigma for women. How they are being sold, and then being nullified as amoral, almost happens at the same time. Vagina is sold in the porno industry, functioned as cash-cow, while at the same time, being cursed for tainting morality. It is the community double-standard putting such a multi-burden to femaleness. How horrified and petrified having breast or vagina then! Beauty is then of over-burdened consequence, since happiness is denied woman. Women’s tales of woes are narrative of anguish, despair, and misery—lurking from marriage, divorce, abortion and plastic surgery. Thus, the moral of the story is tale of petrified body—unhappy narrative. How women negotiate Jilbab, interpret body and access to justice is no longer stand equally. Women’s bodies are devalued, revived and reread as part of the religious memory. Speaking of women’s special responsibility, their duty and their obligation as a woman to retain high standard of appearance, of one’s femininity, self-respect and pride; while at the same time sanctioned by religion not to reveal the skin and the hair to emit signal of sexual interest and availability since the sole right is in the hand of patriarch. All those burdens are pathetic. Femaleness is valued as commodities and stigmatized heavily at the arena of religiosity. Corporeality finds it suffocating and wretched in dismal. Stigma on lust attached solely to femaleness has undermined possible causes of the ample diverse experiences facing by women around the globe to hail against. Women shall define beauty based on their own horizon, one which fair and equal—sweeping away derogating stigma. Fantasy of love, of lust, of intimacy, and of sexuality are legitimate in its own way—being experienced and undergone by women of bare-headed or women of Jilbab. 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AuthorDewan Redaksi JP, Redaksi JP, pemerhati masalah perempuan Jurnal Perempuan terindeks di:
July 2018